If your company works with hazardous chemicals, the adoption of GHS means a fast approaching deadline for training employees. By December 1, 2013, OSHA is requiring all employees handling hazardous materials must be trained on the new GHS label elements and safety data sheet (SDS). Fortunately it pays to be early, which is why our Course of the Week offer through September 18 is for 50% off the "Hazard Communication GHS Update". ... [more]

Reducing and eliminating harassment and discrimination in the workplace is important for any company. Lawsuits can be costly, hurting your financial bottom line and your company’s reputation. This week’s ‘Course of the Week’ offering from Kantola Productions helps your company comply with legal requirements and gain a deeper understanding of diversity. ... [more]

Office Gossip

So much of our focus from week to week is how we can be more productive. We feel pressure from coworkers, managers and clients to not only get more done, but to get it done FAST. Unfortunately this pressure often results in LESS productivity, as our anxiety and resulting bad mood paralyze us from moving forward. Our 'Course of the Week' offering this week from Vubiz is geared toward helping you overcome these mental barriers--to ease your mind and help increase productivity. ... [more]

This weeks Course of the Week Excel 2007 in Spanish comes to us from SeAprende.com. SeAprende's courses are both engaging and fun- or as they like to refer to them as Edutainment! What is Edutainment? Education + Entertainment = Edutainment! ... [more]

OpenSesame is featuring Sustainability Education Series in celebration of Earth Day 2013. The creators of these courses are excited to share their expertise with the elearning community. ... [more]

OpenSesame's Course of the Week, Secrets of a Successful Attitude by Rosey Conway, demonstrates how soft-skills can be effectively taught online. Knowing the secrets of successful attitude is one of the most important skills in any profession or industry. ... [more]

Learn to write action-oriented messages and avoid the costly back-and-forth correspondence that commonly occurs from unclear emails. In business, employees rely on information to make decisions that affect all levels of operations within their organizations. When written communication is poorly organized and unclear, rates of error and interdependence increase and unnecessary challenges surface. ... [more]

Check out our course of the week by Counterfeit Forensics, LLC: Train Your Team to Recognize Counterfeit Currency! ... [more]

Check out our course of the week by The Inside Coach: Harassment Prevention for Managers! ... [more]

Get 20 Soft Skills, Compliance and Safety Courses for $20 by Syntrio! ... [more]
