November is National Hospice & Palliative Care Month, and in acknowledgement, we're featuring courses beneficial to healthcare workers, specifically those in long-term care facilities. As hospice care becomes a more widely embraced option, more workers are needed to staff facilities. It takes a special kind of person to care for those at the end of life. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, hospice care "involves a team-oriented approach of expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient's wishes." ... [more]

How much do you know about emotional intelligence? Unless you have a psych degree or have already taken training in the subject (good for you!), chances are, not much. ... [more]

Customer service has always been a critical part of business. Yet with the rise of social media, where consumers can comment on and interact with companies in real-time, expectations have changed dramatically. Companies now are expected to support customer service inquiries over Twitter, Facebook and live-chat, in addition to email and phone. And as it becomes easier to track down individual employees from companies via sites like LinkedIn, each and every one of your employees are now on the front lines of customer service. ... [more]

Is your office properly equipped to deal with a fire emergency? In honor of upcoming Fire Prevention Week (October 5-11 this year!) and October as Fire Prevention Month, we’re featuring courses to keep your workplace safe from fire hazards. ... [more]

eLearning courses are a great medium through which to tackle complex topics. The delivery format of an online course allows you to pause the lesson to take notes and return to previous sections for review. ... [more]

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As we move closer to Q4, compliance topics are once again top of mind. Need to get that last minute training in? We can help your company and employees stay safe and legal! With our wide variety of off-the-shelf options, our courses are a quick and easy way to make sure you meet your 2014 compliance goals and deadlines. From OSHA to sexual harassment to HIPAA, the courses in our library are ready to help! ... [more]

Creativity and inspiration don’t always come easily (as sometimes happens while I’m writing blogs!). Many of us struggle to find new and unique ways to accomplish tasks in both our personal and professional lives. Whether battling with a personal hobby or goal or working through issues of culture and employee engagement at work, we can always use a little help. eLearning may primarily be thought of as a way to teach technical skills (programming, OSHA safety, etc) or traditional soft skills (sales, marketing, etc), but online training can also work for subjects such as creative problem solving and company happiness. ... [more]

Whether you work in a warehouse, restaurant, or office, every workplace has its fair share of risks. From dangerous equipment like forklifts to communicable diseases, it’s incredibly important to know preventative techniques and common safety procedures. An injury or disease can set back work for weeks or even months and have lasting health concerns. The featured courses this week showcase a variety of common safety concerns in the workplace. ... [more]

If you work in a healthcare environment in any capacity, you have an immense amount of responsibility for the health and safety of your patients. Your training doesn’t end after your often extensive of schooling is over. Ongoing training is of incredible importance in this field because of the numerous important things you need to think about and be aware of. You are expected to adapt as philosophies, expectations, and procedures change. This ongoing training helps you protect your patients, improve their experience, and keep them happy. ... [more]

Whether you are an experienced leader or a new manager, being in charge and at the top of the leadership ladder can come with a lot of pressure. It is important to know how to properly handle your position so the rest of your company can benefit from your management. After all, you are the person they look up to! Have you ever thought about skills you may need to enhance? Communication, authority, and relationship skills are just a few critical abilities leaders must grasp in order to become successful, and there is always room for improvement. Being the boss is an exciting, stressful, and significant position, and one that has the power to change companies completely. Becoming confident in your role will help to make your job that much more rewarding! ... [more]
