Have you ever felt disconnected from an older boss or younger employee? Sometimes it can feel like there’s a fundamental communication difference between different age groups that can’t be overcome. Generational differences is a hot topic in workplaces across the country, and experts say that there are now five generations in the workplace. Understanding how to effectively communicate with every generation is incredibly important for any efficient, productive workplace. ... [more]

Have you ever been nervous to give a presentation or manage a meeting? You’re not alone. Seamless presentations take a lot of preparation. Not only do you have to engage your audience, but you also have to be prepared for trick questions and make sure your team sticks to the agenda. Luckily, there are tools to help you master the art of presenting and leading a group. From visual tips to answering trick questions, this week’s featured courses can help you practice many helpful skills for effective management. ... [more]

Depending on your career, you may have had to deal with “heated” situations. No, we are not talking about an argument between you and your co-worker. Rather, have you ever had a job that required you to perform labor in the sun, work directly with heat or fire, or be hands-on with temperature devices? Occupations requiring work in high temperatures can cause heat exhaustion or dehydration. If one of your co-workers fell ill due to heat-related issues, would you know what to do? Other jobs depend on employees to work with heat and fire on a day-to-day basis. Are you aware of the precautions for “hot work” situations? Or, if you were asked to work with a bunsen burner, could you do it safely? Fortunately, if you answered “no” to any of these questions, OpenSesame has great courses that deal directly with sun and heat protection and practices to help increase your knowledge! ... [more]

New employees are always joining companies, and it’s no secret that a smooth transition is important for the happiness, productivity, and general success of both employees and company. Regardless of the size or industry of your organization, a successful onboarding program is integral in creating a positive transition experience. However, you may be wondering how to create a strong program, one that conveys both employers’ and employees’ roles, expectations, and ideas. If you’re wondering how to improve your onboarding or start a new program, then this week’s featured courses are for you! ... [more]

Nothing is more important than staying updated in our data-driven, constantly evolving world. Just like the software installed in our computer, our skills become less effective and even obsolete over time. We need to absorb and learn new information every day in order to maintain our effectiveness in the long term. ... [more]

Do you ever have days where you stare blankly at a computer screen for hours and never feel like you got anything done? We’ve all been there. Sometimes it feels as if no matter how much time you spend preparing a presentation, writing an email, or sorting through data, you are never going to get it done. You’ve read every “how to improve productivity” article you’ve come across with no results. Luckily there are many overlooked ways to improve productivity, decrease inefficiency, manage your time, and become a better employee. If you’re looking for ways to escape that unproductive rut, or if you’ve ever been stuck in one before (which we know you have, because we have too), this week’s featured courses are for you! ... [more]

Turn Chaos Into Order

We’ve all had that moment where we feel incompetent in the workplace, in a relationship, or when interacting with peers. Tools for empowered communication can be extremely helpful in these situations. Training courses can be useful for developing these characteristics and achieving proficiency. ... [more]

No matter what profession you have chosen, there are most likely some work-related risks associated with it. Although some of these risks might be specific to your job, there are many precautions that should be taken to avoid common risks that are applicable to any workforce. No matter what your profession is, being prepared in case of emergency is essential to ensure the safety of yourself and others. These three courses outline some general safety practices, explain safety regulations, and help you understand how to work through difficult situations. ... [more]

Banking and Finance can be a complicated world to navigate. There are regulations and legal issues to be aware of, not to mention general banking information and security. Training is a great way to ensure you stay on top of the latest banking info and can give you a competitive advantage when seeking a promotion or changing jobs. ... [more]

Whether you're a veteran leader or you've been recently promoted into a leadership role, you'll likely want to brush up your skills with leadership training. While broad-topic courses can be beneficial, sometimes you need specific training for your experience level or role. Here's where OpenSesame's extensive leadership content library can help. ... [more]

