When it comes to business networking, a lot of people define their problem as not knowing what so say. They would rather pull out their hair by the roots than start a conversation with a complete stranger. Oddly enough, one of the keys to effective business networking and small talk is not the talking itself, but the listening. Among all of the business networking tips and tricks, active listening is one of the most important. But because most of us are not born good listeners, here are some tips: Remain present. Do not allow your mind to drift. ... [more]

Business Networking Tips: The Key to Making Effective Small Talk

If you are creating or selecting sales training content, how can you ensure that your course will effectively engage and motivate a learner to successfully complete the online learning program? Some learners will motivate themselves. ... [more]

Sales Training For The Big Win: Successful eLearners

Let’s face it. At this day and age, anyone can create a simple Microsoft Word document. But that is the key word: simple. Is that all you want to do? Do you want to create simple Word documents that meet the bare minimum requirements, or do you want to create awesome, polished-looking files that will make you look like a pro?   If you have never taken any Microsoft Word training courses, your decision should be obvious. ... [more]

Microsoft Word Training: Why You Need Word 2010 Training

We all judge books by their covers. Whether we’re picking out a restaurant for the evening or buying a car, we’re all influenced by appearances to make choices that might even be unwise. That tendency to judge applies to training, too. If you ask training participants what they think of an elearning course, odds are they will comment on the graphic design as much as the learning content. If you’re an elearning developer, it’s not enough to have great training to share. Your course must be appealing and professional in appearance as well as in content. ... [more]

Safety Training and eLearning Programs: The Look is Important

Here’s how businesses and organizations used to meet training and development goals: Send employees back to graduate school or other professional training opportunities. Hire trainers to lead in-house training sessions. Purchase books, manuals and self-study materials. OpenSesame is an elearning company because we believe that elearning provides significant advantages over all of these methods. ... [more]

8 Reasons to Use eLearning to Meet your Training and Development Goals

Simply put, Microsoft Access is a tool that is used to store and manage information for reports, reference and analysis. It overcomes the data management challenges encountered storing a lot of information in spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or others. Why not use Microsoft Excel for databases? Microsoft Excel is very simple to use; data entry is a piece of cake – all you have to do then is add your formulas and name your columns. However, it does have its limitations, including duplication, missing data and inconsistencies, all of which take a great deal of time to check. ... [more]

Microsoft Access Training: What Can You Use Access for?

  I was the most unlikely person to be in customer service. Let's face it. If you're painfully shy, the last job you want to be stuck with is one where you're constantly assisting people with complaints. Yikes! But I was in college and desperately needed a job. Trial by Fire The first couple of weeks were painful. No guts, no glory, right? I learned the computer systems, the procedures and policies, but then I was faced with live customers with real and sometimes unique problems. Sometimes customers will say things that mislead you. ... [more]

customer service guru

  Never heard of "arc flash?" Arc flash happens when the resistance of air to electrical current breaks down and electricity jumps the gap between conductors. This will only happen when there is sufficient voltage and a path to lower voltage or ground. Given 1000 amperes, an arc across two terminals can generate temperatures as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit—about 25,000 degrees hotter than the surface of the sun. The result? An explosion of hot gaseous metal, liquid metal splatter and solid metal shrapnel. ... [more]

Arc Flash Training

Making professional learning and development a priority requires a commitment of time, staff resources and financial investment. ... [more]

More than Compliance Training

Every computer system is vulnerable, some more than others. But you don't need to resort to creating your own operating system or to severing all ties with the outside world in order to create an acceptable level of cyber security. All too frequently, the weakest links in the chain of security are the users. ... [more]

Computer security training
