Imagine for a moment that you've jumped ahead eighty years. What would the state of education reveal? No one holds a crystal ball that can tell us this. Eighty years ago, television was still a rare novelty and low capacity electronic computers the size of large rooms were ten years from becoming a reality. Few, if anyone, could have imagined in 1931 the future existence of personal, desktop computers and the Internet. Could 2091 hold artificially intelligent tutors that converse with their students, guiding them through a difficult subject with personalized care? ... [more]

Elearning software for training and development

Most people who use Excel spreadsheets are comfortable entering data, using basic formulas and applying minor formatting. That’s all well and good, but you may be using 20 percent or less of Excel’s full capacity. There are some handy little tricks – things that Excel can do that you may have never even heard of. And if you have never taken Microsoft Excel courses, these are just some of the tips you can expect to learn. Hide data before printing. What if you want to print a spreadsheet that contains some confidential information, like clients’ credit card numbers? ... [more]

Microsoft Excel Training: What Microsoft Excel Tutorials Teach You

With consumers now hesitant to spend, one of the best ways to encourage consumer confidence is to provide superb customer service. ... [more]

Customer Service Training: A Look at your Options

Training and development includes different but interconnected activities that organizations sponsor in order to improve the productivity, skills and abilities of their teams. The organization or business benefits from increased effectiveness and each employee benefits from an expanded skill set. ... [more]

a world of options for training

In the world of business communication training, one thing is certain: communication skills should not be limited to just writing, presentation, or public speaking, and other forms of conventional communications. These are just the most commonly known aspects of communication training that the average person on the street may think of immediately after hearing the words, business communication. The simple truth is that there’s more to communicating or sending your message to your audience than meets the eye. ... [more]

Business communication training

  If you work with sensitive information, you know that such records in the wrong hands could prove disastrous for the company. The security of customer financial records, trade secrets, payroll data and other sensitive information is paramount. That is why information security awareness is important for everyone who works with such data. Even if an employee does not routinely handle such data, they may inadvertently witness such data. ... [more]

information security training

  Arc flash training is serious business—deadly serious. People die from a lack of knowledge on this topic. In fact, every single day at work in the United States, one person dies a painful death from shock, electrocution or arc flash. Nearly 700 people a month get a quick trip to the emergency room for electrical contact injuries. The National Fire Protection Association from which we receive the standards for electrical safety in the workplace, gives us the basis for NFPA 70E training which could save lives and property. Far Hotter Than the Sun Imagine that! ... [more]

Arc Flash Training

If you’re like most people, you weren’t aware that Microsoft OneNote even existed, much less what it could do. This application is probably the most ignored and most underestimated of all of those found within the Microsoft 2010 suite. However, it is definitely worthy of your attention and more than that – take the right MS OneNote tutorial and you will have mastered an awesome tool.  OneNote is basically a digital notebook, one that allows you to store notes and information in one centralized location, but also easily access it and share it. ... [more]

Microsoft One Note Training: What Is One Note and What Can It Do?

Recently I was tasked with re-engineering our customer service effort. We had suffered several public relations black eyes from customer service fiascos. The suspicion had been that the norm for customer service had veered too much in the direction of quantity and not enough quality. Customer service reps (CSRs) had long been challenged by ever-increasing quotas. With the corporate challenges of cutting expenses to increase profitability, such policies were inevitable. ... [more]

  Before you acquire a business communication training or teamwork training program, consider the following points. 1. Coordinate with other training efforts Any team depends upon effective communication in order to meet its goals. That's why teamwork training and business communications training go hand-in-hand. Be certain to find courses for each which complement each other. 2. ... [more]

Business communication training
