Electrical safety is serious business. There's no doubt about that. Corporate training is always about helping you get the job done.  1. Spontaneous combustion. No, we're not talking about Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt. Placing a small, personal heater too close to stacks of papers or other combustible materials can lead to an unexpected bonfire. Sometimes it's okay to party at work, but roasting hotdogs, marshmallows or your backlog of work won't sit well with the boss. 2. Fireworks. ... [more]

Electrical safety training

  Things may happen in your life, but you are the one who chooses to react to them the way that you do. The following 10 tips can help you take charge of your reaction to stressful situations. Every kind of stress will bend to one of these tips. 1. Avoid unnecessary stress by saying "no." Don't take on more responsibility when you at or near your limit. If there is someone in your life who causes you stress, limit the amount of time you spend with the person or stop the connection completely. 2. Avoid unnecessary stress by doing something differently. ... [more]

stress management tips

  No one wants an abusive customer. Sometimes, customer service training doesn't adequately prepare you for what some customers throw at you. When a call starts abusive or escalates from anger into an abusive tone, it sometimes seems that nothing you say can help. Any time a customer becomes abusive you need to apply more assertive techniques to protect yourself. So what exactly does "abusive" mean? It means using dirty language, verbal bullying or just plain emotionally out of control. Some customers seem to lose it when you don't tell them what they want to hear. ... [more]

Dealing with abusive customers

  Communication sets us apart from the other animals on this planet. Oh, other animals communicate all right, but not the way we do—most of the time. Communication can become physical—a tender touch or a bonk on the head. Bullets are a form of communication, albeit somewhat primitive. A stare can be communication, whether it carries admiration, rage or lust. The objective of communication is one of getting an idea across the distance that separates two or more people. ... [more]

Improve your communication skills

It is important for businesses to be able to handle the queries, concerns, and requests of their customers. As the company grows, the need to train your customer support staff becomes even more urgent. Investing in customer service training courses allows your company to establish a competitive edge in the marketplace. It can ultimately decide in your favor once the customer decides to buy.   There are a variety of customer service training courses available in the market. The key thing is to choose the appropriate module for your organization. ... [more]

  Just in case you're not familiar with the term, "snafu," it's an acronym—situation normal: all fouled up. There's also a stronger version, but we'll leave that your imagination. How can business communications become fouled up? Plenty of ways! Misdirection No customer likes to be passed off to the wrong department to sit waiting while someone there figures out what to do with them. Perhaps the biggest snafu in business communications is the withheld communication—namely the unasked question. That's misdirection of the darkest kind. ... [more]

Business communication training

  The lifeblood of any organization is information and the flow of that information between the various parts of the enterprise. Business communication is an extremely broad subject. ... [more]

Business communication training

  Our world today is one that is extremely dependent on the use of computers. In every workplace there is at least one computer to be found, as they are now considered an essential part of running a successful company. Additionally, almost every home in the United States either owns a computer or has access to one. Computers are definitely here to stay, there's absolutely no doubt about it. Computer Security Training Course Online security training courses are highly beneficial when it comes to learning about how important security awareness is today when it comes to using a computer. ... [more]
