Sexual harassment is a form of bullying. This is why most, if not all, major companies include this subject as an integral part of their corporate training.   Do you know what appropriate and inappropriate behavior is? You may be surprised and even shocked to learn how many people do not.   One study found that 22% of those surveyed realized that they had been victims of sexual harassment only after they learned that certain behavior was illegal. In other words, they changed their answer from "no" to "yes" that they had been sexually harassed in the past. ... [more]

Sexual harassment

Does your work entail interacting with people all the time? Do you do a lot of writing, such as memos, press releases, and statements on behalf of your organization? Are you frequently in front of crowds to deliver speeches or talks? If so, online communication training might be what you need to make your experience a lot smoother. Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your work, effective communication training is still a good investment because humans are social creatures, meaning they have to communicate with each other. ... [more]

communication training

  People today demand world-class customer service. They want the companies they deal with to provide outstanding support, relevant advice, and useful information related to the products and services that are offered. If they receive a mediocre or half-hearted response from the customer service team, they will look elsewhere. It is important for businesses to provide customer service courses to their staff. It will enable the company to keep its competitive edge in the marketplace. ... [more]

If you're not a people person, becoming a master of sales could prove to be impossible. You have to love people and be able to relate to them. Sales training, of course, is crucial, but developing a thick skin for rejection remains of paramount importance. Why? Because you need to remain highly motivated. Let me break it down for you. Training Corporate training today is rich with potential. You don't even have to work for a major corporation to have access to some really juicy material. Of course, you can buy a stack of books. That can help. ... [more]

sales training

One of the greatest industrialists the world has seen, Henry Ford, once said something about teamwork: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Despite the different times we live in today, the basic principles behind teamwork still remain true. Whether your team is composed of two people, a department or an entire organization, you get more things done faster and in a more efficient manner when you have someone else to carry the load with you. Teamwork however, doesn’t automatically kick in once a group of people come together. ... [more]

  In business, success isn't just everything; it's the only thing. Achieving that success can prove deadly serious and that causes stress. So to relieve some of that stress, take a short breather to recharge your humor cells and your funny bone. Don't be surprised if you learn something in the process. Laziness People can be quite creative at avoiding work. ... [more]

humor at work

A small twig is easy enough to break, but put a dozen of the same sticks together and they become very difficult to break. A hundred of them become impossible to crack. That's one powerful image of teamwork. There are many things in life that can divide a team—that can make it weaker. These tips will help prevent your team from succumbing to such a fate. 1. Improve communication. This is the lifeblood of an organization. Without communication, the team has no way of knowing where it is going, how it is doing, or what needs to be done next. ... [more]

Teamwork in action on the rugby field

If you’re looking to forge a career in the world of security, you might want to explore your options in online security training. There are a number of online schools and training institutions that offer the tools and skills to individuals looking to advance their knowledge base and capabilities in order to gain a better position in their career. ... [more]

online security training

  It isn't just for geeks. Why? Because the success of the company is the responsibility of every employee. Every employee needs to know what can jeopardize the company's computer infrastructure. The reason is simple. One wrong action could crash the system or leak confidential information. These could become disastrous for the business. And when they find out who did it? Well, you can guess the rest. That's why computer security training courses are so critical. ... [more]

computer security training courses

  There are people out there who want to steal your information and others who merely want to wreck havoc. The following facts could help you ensure those things don't happen. 1. Unsafe passwords. Don't ever write down your passwords and leave them at your desk. If ever anyone wanted to break into your computer system, that is one of the first places they would look for clues. And always create strong passwords. Simple passwords like "123abc," or "bobby7" are easy enough for hackers to crack simply by brute force. 2. Unsafe websites. Not all websites are safe. ... [more]
