If you want to become an IT security guru, you need a unique approach that sets you apart from the others. You need each of the following skills so you know every dimension of this vital topic. 1. Programming. Yes, you read that right. A little bit of programming can go a long way toward helping you understand how software architecture relates to system security at-large. The more programming you learn the better. Say, for instance, you were to write some drivers for a given operating system. The act of doing that makes you aware of the security limitations of that system. 2. ... [more]

IT security guru

Unsurprisingly, email is the form of communication that most professionals choose. It’s fast and relatively unobtrusive. However, failing to follow the recommended email etiquette rules may get you into trouble. If you are too quick to hit the “send” button and don’t put a lot of thought into each email, you could be sending the wrong message – in more ways than one. Here are some of the worst email mistakes you could make at the workplace:   Writing in capital letters. A lot of people write entire emails in capitals. Email Etiquette 101 teaches us that IT’S LIKE SHOUTING. ... [more]

Email Etiquette: 5 Deadly Email Mistakes You Could Make at Work

A company without customer service is a company without customers. Cut too many corners on this and you follow the old "penny wise and dollar foolish" strategy. Where there is customer service without adequate training there is no customer service. If you want to keep your customers, your customer service representatives need to be fully trained. ... [more]

customer service training

In the headlong hurry to meet deadlines and quotas, we frequently forget that only part of our responsibility is to operate the machine we call business. The other part is to ensure that the machine stays operational. If safety hazards arise, then the machine is broken and lives are threatened. 1. It could happen to you. The next time you see a safety hazard, take action. Don't depend on someone else to notice and to notify the appropriate person. Just think of the next time you're in a hurry and not noticing things. ... [more]

A certain amount of tension helps us grow. A physical, emotional or intellectual challenge can push us to excel. But how much challenge is too much? When does a challenge become deadly stress? Each of us has our limits. Unavoidably, stress happens. What's the best way to deal with it? And how does one reduce its damaging effects? Perhaps just as important, how does one convert a stressful situation into an empowering one? But how important is this topic? What is lost if we do not assess and address this subject? ... [more]

stress in the workplace

  Teamwork is perhaps the greatest invention of humanity. With teamwork, humans have unraveled the secrets of the atom, sent men to the Moon, and created an information network which spans the globe. Imagine what could happen if your employees caught the teamwork bug and created something which changed the world. Save Money on the Training Itself You could hire a corporate training specialist to come to your company. ... [more]

Some stress will always be a part of life. To counteract this, find as many ways as possible to relax such as deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. ... [more]

Looking to learn a new language but can’t find the time to leave your home, get in the car and drive to class? Perhaps the e-learning route is what you need. More people today are turning to the Internet with the goal of learning a new language. While it’s certainly true that learning a new language in the past was difficult due to the time constraints of our busy lifestyles, no longer is that an issue when it comes to e-learning. ... [more]

For many years, the internet has acted as a resource for tutorials and educational materials for a wide variety of subjects. Experts have hung out their shingles, giving away advice in the hopes of attracting consulting clients or additional kinds of projects. Other websites have sprouted up enticing experts to make extra money online by writing about their fields of expertise. The trouble there, though, is that the visitor frequently does not know the credentials of the writer. If given, how trustworthy are those credentials? ... [more]

New ways to deliver online training

  Nothing can be more devastating than a fire which could have been prevented. Fires can destroy not only property, but years of work, irreplaceable possessions and, all too frequently, human lives. These pointers should be kept in mind to help prevent the wreckage a fire can cause. 1. Never replace a fuse with one of larger amperage. Never! Fuses are there to protect your house or business. If you ignore them by using a larger amp fuse or, worse, using a penny, you open yourself to a wiring meltdown that is sure to cause a fire the next time the circuit is overloaded. 2. ... [more]
