Many learning solutions are bloated and overdue for a diet. However, the key to a truly successful diet isn’t just about reducing input. We need to act more like athletes focused on high performance (after all, we are in the performance business). Elite athletes understand what is required to fuel their performance and are highly selective about the nutrients they intake to support it. Our solutions need to be much more selective in providing high-quality inputs focused on supporting performance needs. This alone will shed a lot of unneeded weight. ... [more]

The volume, velocity, and variety of data available today provides learning professionals unprecedented opportunity to understand our users and impact our business. However, most of our industry’s analytics are still stuck in a mindset of delivering some flavor of "course completion" (scores, time on task, number of attempts, butts-in-seats). ... [more]

Big Data

In 2013, it’s time for me to do less… much less. The Pareto rule (or power laws of distribution) shows that success in a company is driven by the critical few, not the trivial many. So instead of attempting to boil the ocean trying to cover everything, it is better to focus on those key elements in a business that will have the greatest impact on performance. It’s time to develop less volumes of content to focus on fewer, more high-value resources. Workers are busier than ever. They have no time for long courses or extra information. ... [more]

I was extremely impressed when I recently performed beta testing for OpenSesame. The value proposition of this service is simple:     •    Elearning developers can upload and sell standards-compliant elearning     •    Companies can purchase content, which will operate on any Learning Management System (LMS)   Win-Win.  Developers get an opportunity to widely market and profit. ... [more]

David Glow on OpenSesame beta testing: fast, straightforward administration