Each generation uses technology in a different way. For Gen Z it is out with the book, in with the tablet. ... [more]

You probably have heard that eight hours is the optimal amount of sleep in order to be well-rested, productive, and alert the next day. A recent Gallup poll found 45% of employed adults believe they don’t get enough sleep, many only averaging 6.8 hours a night. Sleep deprivation can affect your motivation, focus, and overall work ethic. A lack of sleep affects your productivity, can disrupt your relationships with coworkers, affects your ability to finish projects or simple tasks, and can cause problems in the workplace. ... [more]

Venturing off into the startup world is scary, as it should be. You hesitate over the fact that your startup may not become successful; you worry about spending an unprecedented amount of money, and all-in-all your head is in a tailspin. Luckily, there are important steps you can take which lead to a rewarding return on your new company: copyright, trademark, and patent agreements. Copyrights, trademarks, and patents are areas of business that startups often forget about until it’s too late. ... [more]

Whether you are an experienced leader or a new manager, being in charge and at the top of the leadership ladder can come with a lot of pressure. It is important to know how to properly handle your position so the rest of your company can benefit from your management. After all, you are the person they look up to! Have you ever thought about skills you may need to enhance? Communication, authority, and relationship skills are just a few critical abilities leaders must grasp in order to become successful, and there is always room for improvement. Being the boss is an exciting, stressful, and significant position, and one that has the power to change companies completely. Becoming confident in your role will help to make your job that much more rewarding! ... [more]

The healthcare field has always been an area recent college grads look to as a dependable source for jobs. If you haven’t looked into becoming a physical therapist assistant yet, you may want to! The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2012 and 2022 the number of physical therapist assistants will rise 41%. As of 2012, the average pay for a physical therapist assistant was $52,160 per year. This job is ranked #11 on the list of Best Health Care Jobs and #17 on the list of Best 100 Jobs. ... [more]

PTA helping patient

Depending on your career, you may have had to deal with “heated” situations. No, we are not talking about an argument between you and your co-worker. Rather, have you ever had a job that required you to perform labor in the sun, work directly with heat or fire, or be hands-on with temperature devices? Occupations requiring work in high temperatures can cause heat exhaustion or dehydration. If one of your co-workers fell ill due to heat-related issues, would you know what to do? Other jobs depend on employees to work with heat and fire on a day-to-day basis. Are you aware of the precautions for “hot work” situations? Or, if you were asked to work with a bunsen burner, could you do it safely? Fortunately, if you answered “no” to any of these questions, OpenSesame has great courses that deal directly with sun and heat protection and practices to help increase your knowledge! ... [more]