We are proud to announce that we have been selected to present at Venture Northwest! The Oregon Entrepreneurs’ Network (OEN) organizes Venture Northwest each year to connect investors, venture capital firms and investment bankers to exciting young companies based in the Pacific Northwest. ... [more]

OEN Logo

The OpenSesame team is incredibly proud of our partnership with LINGOs (Learning in NGOs), a leader in providing learning and development resources to humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and CARE. These organizations do life-saving work addressing crises such as the current famine in Somalia. ... [more]

Hitting the Road to Talk Social Media

There’s a reason cable companies are some of the most-hated businesses in America: they don’t make it easy to buy their product. The options are few, the prices high and the terms inflexible. ... [more]

The Cable Companies Make Their Content Chunky

This week, OpenSesame’s Josh Blank and ej4’s Dan Cooper gave a presentation at the Enterprise Learning Conference and Expo on the applications of exciting new technologies for learning: video, games, mobile, and social. ... [more]

Emerging Technology for Learning

After a few months of hard work, we are thrilled to announce that we now offer an effective and engaging course on Cisco Sales Essentials 5.0 thanks to our partnership with the great course developers at Tech 2000. ... [more]

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This week the OpenSesame management team is attending TechCrunch Disrupt, the semi-annual startup conference convened by TechCrunch, the tech news blog. We’re attending Disrupt to learn about creating and growing technology companies and to meet people who can help us get better at our jobs. While the executive team is on the spot in San Francisco, I’ve been watching the live stream while keeping up with my usual blogging, tweeting and customer service activities. ... [more]


Check out our infographic following the long history of technology and distance learning - from the Pony Express to the social web. ... [more]

At OpenSesame, our goal is to build the world’s marketplace for elearning courses: a broad, fresh catalog of content covering diverse topics with a variety of interactive approaches. As we expand our marketplace, we’re thrilled to announce that we are partnering with Syntrio to add their rich catalog of elearning courses to OpenSesame. Syntrio is a pioneer in the elearning sector, developing hundreds of training courses in business skills, workplace safety and compliance topics, from promoting diversity and preventing discrimination to handling hazardous materials and building sales skills. ... [more]

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"Accessibility" is an elusive trait in elearning, as in life. Many elearning sellers create "accessible" courses, and it's a popular feature for courses in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace. Nonetheless, we get tons of questions about what "accessible" really means. Whenever I get a pile of questions about the same topic, I know it's time for a blog post. ... [more]

The Pew Internet & American Life Project regularly releases fascinating reports on the prevalence and applications of technology in American life and culture. From the number of adults who use Twitter to the popularity of smart phones in different age and ethnic groups, Pew has a handle on how online experiences influence American life.Yesterday Pew released a report on online learning. Some of the highlights (quoted directly from the report):The Value of Online Learning. The public and college presidents differ over the educational value of online courses. ... [more]

Comparing Online Learning & In-Person Learning is Apples & Oranges
