Big news! OpenSesame is thrilled to welcome Tom Kuhlmann and the E-Learning Heroes Roadshow to Portland on Thursday, April 5.  Learn from the master and you too can be an elearning hero! Tom focuses on bringing out the design genius in every elearning developer, with tips on leveraging basic resources to create excellent elearning content. ... [more]

Tom Kuhlmann

Every year I settle down with the ASTD State of the Industry Report to assess where OpenSesame fits into the future of learning - and what lessons learned I can share with our community. This year’s report revealed interesting data about spending, a shift toward technology and increased efficiency in learning and development. ... [more]


Social media can support productivity for people in many different situations. Are you a small business owner or freelancer? Is difficult to get input and support on your ideas and projects? Tap into bigger networks than just your office. Find people in your job function on Twitter, in LinkedIn forums or on specialized professional networks. Share content and ideas, ask for input and feedback or just simply build yourself a cheering squad. ... [more]

social media for small business

Big news! The OpenSesame team is proud to announce that we have partnered with Mindleaders to add their catalog of more than 2,800 elearning courses to the OpenSesame marketplace. ... [more]

Mindleaders logo

 ​ Wednesday, January 11, 2012 Change Management - Managing Change   $39 per seat    Volume Disc ... [more]

The OpenSesame team is pleased share a new catalog of management, soft skills and ethics courses from Quality Media Resources (QMR). The QMR team, led by founders Robert and Patricia Rosell, builds excellent courses that use video to illustrate abstract concepts with real examples, excellent characterizations and compelling stories. ... [more]

QMR Logo

Using social media means connecting and communicating. You can’t control the flood of information. But if you are prepared with good tools and good people, you can guide it. ... [more]

social media is about connections

Check out the OpenSesame Course of the Week: Sexual Harassment by AKLearning ... [more]

In honor of the approaching year-end, here are my top resources of 2011: Sites, articles or resources I visited over and over again, sent to colleagues, memorized or otherwise relied upon, in no particular order. ... [more]

top 10 learning resources of 2011
