Welcome to Friday News Roundup: Black Friday Edition! Whether you’re spending the day at home, working, or shopping, there are deals to be had. We’ve put together resources from three of our favourite sites to help you take full advantage of the busiest shopping day of the year! ... [more]

Black Friday

Our weekly Friday News Roundup covers interesting (and sometimes odd) news from the world of human resources and management. There were many lessons to be learned this week in the corporate world, which included the end of unpaid internships at Condé Nast and a rough launch of Healtcare.gov. ... [more]

Every week we round up the major news from the HR and training fields to present to you. This week, there were plenty of interesting stories to choose from. Check out our stories on standing at work, HR and social media, and more! ... [more]

Oreo Cookie

In addition to all the announcements coming out of HRTech this week, there have been some big news items trending in the industry. Check out our Friday News Roundup of popular stories from the world of HR including what Gen Y workers want from companies, big data helping hiring and preparing for this year's flu season. ... [more]

Each week we take the most interesting news from the human resources and training fields… and this week there were plenty of exciting stories. Check out our stories on California’s newest digital law, Bill Gates’ “mistake,” work weight gain, and more. ... [more]

Teen Computer

Each week we take the most interesting news from the human resources and training fields...and this week there was plenty exciting. Check out our stories on Lady Gaga getting sued for overtime, the SEC's requirement for reporting the wage gap between CEOs and their workers and more. ... [more]

Each Friday we highlight recent news or interesting stories from the world of HR. For this week, we share Marissa Mayer's foray into design, the call for the White House to pay its interns and how moderate amounts of alcohol can improve problem solving skills. ... [more]

Our weekly Friday News Roundup highlights interesting stories from the HR world from around the Internet. This week covers animal sacrific, LinkedIn's new University pages and friending coworkers on Facebook. ... [more]

The Friday News Roundup aims to aggregate some of the week’s most interesting and relevant topics from top HR blogs across the web. Last week we covered the sexual harassment lawsuit in San Diego and athletic skills in the workplace. This week we cover questions around the Affordable Care Act, changes to the NLRB and the Department of Labor's call for a smartphone app. ... [more]