This past summer, I had the opportunity to interview Katie Hurst, the Marketing Manager at OpenSesame. Katie has worked with numerous startups over her long and rewarding career, both as the former executive director or a nonprofit collaborative workspace and as a facilitator for Startup Weekend. She provided a variety of enlightening answers about the life of a marketing manager at a startup. ... [more]

The time is ripe for not only students, but also companies to take advantage of the MOOC model and transform corporate training from a limited, one time experience to a sustainable, distributed, and efficient system of learning. Fortunately, elearning makes it easy to make the leap to accessible and continuous learning. ... [more]

So you want to write a dynamic, beautiful, and absolutely fascinating guest post for OpenSesame? We believe guest posts provide a unique opportunity for us to highlight new trends in the elearning industry, focus on new perspectives from elearning professionals, and evaluate new approaches to online training. At the same time, we also want to ensure our blog continues to be a cornerstone of the elearning community containing only the most engaging, informative, and exciting content for our readers. In order to paint a better picture of what we’re looking for, we created this quick 3 step guide for crafting an exceptional guest post! ... [more]

Guest Blogging

We're back with the second post in our Fastest Growing Jobs series—don't miss last week's kickoff infographic! With recent security disasters such as the Heartbleed Bug and the Target Security Breach, the need for strong information security has never been more pressing. Hackers and cybercriminals are consistently becoming smarter, bolder, and more sophisticated in our data driven world. Every day, they are launching decisive and coordinated attacks to steal critical information from governments, companies, and individuals throughout the globe. ... [more]

Nothing is more important than staying updated in our data-driven, constantly evolving world. Just like the software installed in our computer, our skills become less effective and even obsolete over time. We need to absorb and learn new information every day in order to maintain our effectiveness in the long term. ... [more]

Here at OpenSesame, we have a wide variety of sellers specializing in everything from healthcare to information technology to construction. We’re extremely proud of the success they’ve had providing training and education to professionals throughout the globe. As with any recipe for success, increasing sales involves perseverance, responsibility, positivity, and a little bit of our secret sauce! What is the secret sauce at OpenSesame? ... [more]

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This remarkable quote is especially applicable to the prevention of incidents and accidents in the workplace. Even if employees don’t operate in a hazardous environment, they are still prone to other injuries such as musculoskeletal disorders, burns, and strains. Be sure to take a quick look at the most common, but often overlooked safety injuries in the workplace! ... [more]

There are few things more complex and difficult to understand than the behavior of a human being. Perhaps that is why people who excel at interpreting, managing, and understanding emotions are often more successful than other individuals, even those who boast superior technical knowledge. In order to appreciate the value of emotional intelligence, one only has to browse through a pile of job applications. Nearly every employer requires that applicants possess strong written and communication skills as well as the ability to function efficiently in a team. ... [more]

Rice Noodles