It's Time To LEAP Ahead

At OpenSesame we are always on the lookout for great learning opportunities, and one of our favorites is just around the corner. BlueVolt’s annual LEAP Ahead is a two-day conference that includes more than two dozen sessions led by industry experts on content development and training program management.Their promotion of growth and development in the elearning industry makes it one of our favorite conferences to attend, and we recommend it to anyone in the field.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with BlueVolt, this is a quick rundown:
A cloud-based learning management system with an easy-to-use online platform for companies to train their employees
Provides easily accessible training available anytime and anywhere with Internet access
Provides guidance to create and design your own custom courses
LEAP Ahead Conference
When: June 24-25, 2015
Where: Hotel Monaco
This two-day elearning conference offers two different tracks: Designing & Developing Training and Managing Training Programs. There will be breaks in between the presentations for a chance to meet and network with others in the elearning field.
Highlights for those interested in Designing & Developing Training:
1. Create a Compelling Learning Sequence
You want knowledge, not just information floating around everywhere. With the growing wealth of information available online, trainers must learn to effectively use those resources to create courses that gives meaning to learners. Instructional designer Jeannie Sullivan will be teaching a simple 5-step process to do just that.
2. Storytelling: Narrative Techniques for Learning
Many of you have had experience with dry, uncreative stories that just can’t seem to engage its readers. Julie Dirksen will be presenting concepts taken from fiction and screenwriting that will allow trainers and designers to create interesting and engaging material for their courses.
Highlights for those interested in Managing Training Programs:
1. Digital Badges: The New Professional Credentials
How do we keep track of the many skills that we learn over our lifetime? The answer: with digital badges, which are online representations of skills you have earned. Anne Derryberry from Sage Road Solutions will be talking about the benefits these badges will provide for hiring and training in the future, and how you can become a part of this growing movement.
2. Agile Evaluation: Fixing the Broken Feedback Loop (for both tracks)
Julie Dirksen from Usable Learning will be addressing the issues that many elearning companies face: the broken feedback loop. It’s difficult for eLearning course designers to improve if they don’t get any feedback about their product. How do you identify this problem? How do you mitigate? Get your questions answered here!
They have a packed agenda filled with many more coveted speakers! We highly encourage you to attend this conference if you’re looking to further develop your design and management skills, or looking to create a new training program. And what better way to do so than in one of the quirkiest, most beautiful cities in the country?
Don't miss this great conference, register here: LEAP Ahead