There are Master Chefs among us, yes, but some of us didn’t always know how to cook, or how to cook properly. Fortunately, two elements have made excellence in cooking something that is accessible and achievable for all of us. One element lies in the fact the best cooks all around the world have made their recipes and cooking approaches so available to all of us through accessible, online content. ... [more]

OpenSesame course search on mobile phone

At OpenSesame we are always on the lookout for great learning opportunities, and one of our favorites is just around the corner. BlueVolt’s annual LEAP Ahead is a two-day conference that includes more than two dozen sessions led by industry experts on content development and training program management.Their promotion of growth and development in the elearning industry makes it one of our favorite conferences to attend, and we recommend it to anyone in the field. ... [more]

So far in 2014, 46% of OpenSesame’s traffic has come from outside the US. What does this mean for us as a company? Both content providers and learning management companies are becoming increasingly global, and so are we! Currently, elearning is a $56.2 billion industry, on track to double by 2015. Forecasts predict the elearning industry to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (ACGR) of 25.81% over the period of 2013-2018. ... [more]


It's no secret elearning courses are the future of corporate training. With the increased flexibility and richer user experience, more and more organizations are turning to online training as a way to expand and enhance their respective employee development programs. However, online training courses are only part of the equation. To really maximize an elearning program, businesses should consider investing in a learning management system (LMS). Learning management systems provide a platform for administering, tracking, reporting and deliverin elearning content. ... [more]

LMS's have varying levels of reporting. All allow you to see which users completed a course, and what their score was. But adding a tool like the free Google Analytics will allow you to get an even more complete picture of how your users find, use, and interact with your LMS. Here are 10 questions you can answer after adding Google Analytics code to your LMS. ... [more]

What are the differences between LMS, LCMS, and CMS? This question often stirs up confusion among those who simply do not know the answer. Not to worry - we know the differences and we are going to share our knowledge with you. The three most common ways to deliver online courses are through a Learning Management System (LMS), Learning Content Management System (LCMS) or Content Management System (CMS). ... [more]

In the first two posts in our Content Revolution series, we discussed how entertainment and information content is becoming digital and chunked. This post will discuss the third component of the content revolution: the social layer. ... [more]

Everything That Can Be Social, Will Be

Over the past 12 months there have been lots of posts written by eLearning thought leaders declaring the LMS to be dead in favor of more social and collaborative learning options. While I understand and applaud the reasoning - nurturing informal learning - there are still too many core uses for the LMS which are yet to be solved using a different system.I may be biased because I work in the LMS industry and know that our growth figures continue to rise as do the number of visitors to our site (thankfully). ... [more]

The LMS I Know Is Not Dying (Nor Is It Even Ill)