At the end of every year we list a few things we resolve to resolute. The most common are lose weight, exercise more, quit something or start something else. Whether we actually list them or not, we all have them in some degree. ... [more]

I often debate with myself if making resolutions are or should be part of my plan or is it more about tradition to randomly come up with a few things that I’m going to change or do differently. If it were part of my plan, I would have started ‘planning’ three months ago in order for these new changes to take effect on Jan 1. As an elearning designer/developer and independent contractor, it’s only smart business to plan in advance and to have a strategy going into a new year. ... [more]

Clock with "Time to Learn"

Design experiences, not content. We have all heard or experienced a project request that needs to be designed and developed in a period of about two weeks. That’s all fine provided the few months of work leading up to that conversation has been accomplished. All too often it’s not, and we’re forced into producing ‘content’ as opposed to a properly designed experience. ... [more]