The healthcare field has always been an area recent college grads look to as a dependable source for jobs. If you haven’t looked into becoming a physical therapist assistant yet, you may want to! The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2012 and 2022 the number of physical therapist assistants will rise 41%. As of 2012, the average pay for a physical therapist assistant was $52,160 per year. This job is ranked #11 on the list of Best Health Care Jobs and #17 on the list of Best 100 Jobs. ... [more]

PTA helping patient

Have you heard of a genetic counselor before? There’s a chance you have, but if you’re like me and haven't, read on to find out more! You’ve probably heard of a geneticist, and I can almost guarantee you know what a counselor does, but the merged field that creates genetic counseling is an industry not as widely familiar. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the genetic counseling industry is predicted to grow at a rate of 41% between 2012 and 2022, with an average starting salary of $56,800. ... [more]

Genetic Counselor

Have you ever heard of an “industrial-organizational (IO) psychologist?” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics this occupation is predicted to grow 53% between 2012 and 2022, making it the fastest growing career in the next decade, yet many people have never heard of it. With a median income of $83,580 a year, presence and influence in the workplace is quickly growing for industrial organizational psychologists. Unfortunately, not all companies have the resources to hire an IO psychologist, but all companies could benefit from their help. ... [more]

We're back with the second post in our Fastest Growing Jobs series—don't miss last week's kickoff infographic! With recent security disasters such as the Heartbleed Bug and the Target Security Breach, the need for strong information security has never been more pressing. Hackers and cybercriminals are consistently becoming smarter, bolder, and more sophisticated in our data driven world. Every day, they are launching decisive and coordinated attacks to steal critical information from governments, companies, and individuals throughout the globe. ... [more]

Recently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the news that unemployment has fallen to 6.1%, the lowest in nearly six years. However, not all jobs are growing as fast as others. To celebrate the continued growth of the economy, OpenSesame is beginning a series on the fastest growing jobs in America, with posts going in depth on jobs that have the brightest prospects for the next decade and how you can use that to your personal and professional advantage. To kick off the series, the infographic below shows the ten jobs with the most projected growth (and the five with the most decline) in the United States. ... [more]

As creative professionals, project managers, or company leaders, we all seek ways to improve our workflow and increase productivity in the workplace. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we're highlighting a tool many people in our office use (and love) to reduce the stress of tracking tasks. I’m pleased to announce that the days of running to Target to purchase a packet of flashcards and post-its are over. So how will you keep track of every single task you need to accomplish on your to-do list for the week? Not to worry! Allow me to introduce our new colleague, Trello. ... [more]

Can you believe our Learn a New Skill series is already coming to an end? Seems like just yesterday we were gearing up to teach you all the new skills you need for 2014! We hope you’ve learned some valuable information along the way and are proud to present the finished collection available for download here. ... [more]

Learn a New Skill in 2014

Maybe I should go to the gym. Perhaps if I got a personal trainer, I could lose the 20 pounds I gained over the past 2 years. I could fast for a few days or try that juice-cleanse everyone is talking about. That might do the trick. Fine, I’ll go to the gym and run on the treadmill, even though I would rather be on the couch. Never mind, I’m going to stay on the couch, eat a bag of potato chips, and watch The Biggest Loser. ... [more]

Motivational Sticky Notes

Learning to write, let alone effectively, is a huge challenge for many professionals. I know I struggled during my first few weeks of working for OpenSesame; I was used to writing for an academic audience, so writing for the web was quite an adjustment. For those without any writing experience at all, the challenge is even greater. Whether you write as your career or limit your writing to emails and memos, chances are there’s room for improvement, especially in the efficiency area.   So how can you quickly and easily improve your writing? ... [more]

Writing in a Notebook

While the dominance of mobile may not come as a surprise, the rate of its growth has left many companies scrambling to catch up. Demand for mobile applications has skyrocketed, along with the cost to develop those apps. Fortunately, this same growth has also lowered the barriers to entry for developing mobile apps, allowing individuals to build applications on their own with minimal ramp-up time. If you’re planning to build a mobile application this year, but don’t have programming skills, we’ve laid out the pros and cons of the options available to get you started. ... [more]

mobile phone
