This week, we’re continuing our series of posts featuring leadership training and expertise from Frank Lee. We already featured Frank’s training on the Three Fundamental Stages of Leadership, but this week we’ll discuss the difference between leadership and management. ... [more]

Chances are, if you’re a professional in today’s social media-driven world, you have a LinkedIn profile. According to LinkedIn, their professional social network now includes 380,000,000 registered users--and it’s growing. With 118 million users in the U.S. and 39 million students and recent college graduates joining the site, it’s worth pausing to consider a simple change that can make you stand out in the crowded world of LinkedIn: writing a stand-out summary. ... [more]

Remote workers are on the rise in many modern workplaces. The changing culture and daily work habits that our society has acquired over the past decade contribute largely to this increase. ... [more]

Frank Lee shares some of his thoughts on leadership and management training. ... [more]

Internships are valuable experiences to have before the real job search begins. It’s an opportunity to enter a professional environment where they can make connections, learn new skills, and determine where their interests lie. You might be wondering how these interns can benefit you. Here are five benefits of establishing an intern program in your company! ... [more]

The enneagram is a system which models human personality by identifying different core motivations. Each number describes a motivation and a behavior with which someone acts. In order to avoid negative or positive connotations, each personality and style is labeled by a number one through nine. The nine labels, listed below, speak to a variety of styles and behaviors. ... [more]

How do you define company culture? Every company, no matter its size, number of employees, industry, or location, has a culture. As William Craig explains in an article for the Forbes blog, company culture isn’t something employees bring with them. Rather, it’s “something that is pre-existing in your company’s genetic code.” Yet, even with Craig’s description, company culture can be hard to grasp. ... [more]

Have you ever felt as though your career training was insufficient, or that maybe you could work on training yourself to be a better employee or manager? Many feel the same way, and are constantly considering how to improve their career if given the opportunity, how to increase their skills, business sense, and overall career ability. ... [more]

Last week, the interns at OpenSesame took the morning off to volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank with a couple of other tech companies around Portland. What we often see is that people genuinely want to volunteer, but find it difficult to maintain their work-life balance. What would happen if all volunteers just suddenly quit showing up to work? Utter chaos, I would imagine. Volunteers make up a significant portion of our society, and their time and dedication create a great impact on the economy. Learn how you can help be a part of that change! ... [more]

As the world economy continues to expand, individuals in the workplace will see many more opportunities to work abroad. You might be thinking: Oh great, a relocation that will take me from the comforts of my stable life and people I love. However, as an ex-expat’s daughter, I can tell you this is not the case. Sure, the transition is hard, but the cultural experience you gain from it is priceless. Moving to a foreign country expands your boundaries, and creates a strong international network of people you can turn to for advice. ... [more]

Global Workforce
