With all the hype around digital learning, the terms ‘elearning’ and ‘mlearning’ are being used more and more. But many people do not know what differentiates the two and are instead using them interchangeably. So, what is the difference between elearning and mlearning? Besides the obvious letter change, there’s actually not much differentiating the two terms. Let’s start with the obvious and explain what the ‘e’ and the ‘m’ mean. eLearning stands for electronic learning, whereas mlearning stands for mobile learning. Mobile is electronic media, so doesn’t that mean mlearning is the same as elearning? That is somewhat correct, but just because elearning and mlearning are both forms of digital learning does not mean they play the same role. ... [more]

eLearning is a solitary and lonely experience, right? That’s what I used to think, but I’m not so sure anymore. And this is coming from a real skeptic! I used to hold a wary eye to the whole “let’s make elearning more social through online communities” movement, assuming that there was no way it could really match the classroom experience or make up for real human interaction. ... [more]

One of the most common frustrations we hear from prospective customers is a lack of interest from employees in training and development programs. Often employees show high initial engagement, but either lose interest or forget about the opportunity without continued exposure. ... [more]

Traditional methods of educational transference (books, lectures and most online training programs) have far less of an effect on contemporary employees than one might think. Today, reaching employees and positively changing their attitudes and behaviors is becoming increasingly difficult. They have been beaten down by many of the outdated and monotonous online training courses that are currently available. ... [more]

The time is ripe for not only students, but also companies to take advantage of the MOOC model and transform corporate training from a limited, one time experience to a sustainable, distributed, and efficient system of learning. Fortunately, elearning makes it easy to make the leap to accessible and continuous learning. ... [more]

Due to the bad reputation customer service can receive, many people dread having to call their service providers for fears of such a situation, which can have an adverse affect on your company. There are two ways in which this fear of customer service can be harmful to you and your company. The first reason is if a customer has a need to call you but is afraid to, then you are unable to help them. The second reason is people will begin to associate customer service with bad interactions. This means even if you have a great customer service force in your own company, you will be adversely affected by the company that is making the news for bad customer interactions. ... [more]

Remember the movie Braveheart? You know, the one with Mel Gibson? And all the robotic voices? And the standardized background screens? And the data-driven dialogue? And the clip art images? And the…what’s that? Oh, yeah. You’re right. That’s not Braveheart. That’s all-too-typical elearning. Let’s face it: no one ever walked out of a movie and said, “Man, I wish that were more like an elearning course.” ... [more]

OpenSesame is the world’s marketplace for buying and selling online training courses. Whether you’re looking for a course for yourself or for your entire team, OpenSesame offers more than 20,000 courses in topics from compliance and safety to information technology and soft skills. You can find the courses you need to train your team efficiently today! While OpenSesame supports using courses in a web browser or through CourseCloud, if you’re training a large team, you can quickly and easily distribute courses via your company’s existing LMS. Here’s how: 1. ... [more]

Who doesn’t love a good story? For thousands of years, stories have been one of our most beloved forms of communication. They are everywhere; in the news, on reality TV, in our everyday lives as we interact with friends...the list goes on. Why are we so story-crazed? Can we leverage this fact in a meaningful way for elearning? ... [more]

Fireworks have become almost as American as apple pie. On July 4th, families flock to parks, lakes, and lookout spots to view the exciting conflagration of red, white, and blue. However, while the rest of us are celebrating with watermelons and barbequed burgers, web designers are celebrating with a different kind of Fireworks. That is, Adobe Fireworks. ... [more]
