What will 2015 bring? Let’s face it, predictions are a mug’s game. I'd love to be thinking like this. I’m not sure I can focus on things that widely, instead, I’ll focus on three trends in the learning + development field that I think will continue to evolve into next year.   Responsive design – the elearning industry is still trying to catch up to the web development world to responsive design. We focused for a long time on HTML5 as a rallying cry, but now the focus is more on responsive design. ... [more]

Sometimes we forget: eLearning is a broad concept, not just courses delivered on a computer. As I frame my resolutions for 2013, I'm reminding myself to keep thinking broadly about what defines our profession. ... [more]

Some organizations struggle with talent development. They find it difficult to balance “what’s good for the organization” and “what will engage the employee”. Organizations need certain skills to execute their strategies, and satisfied employees are a prerequisite to successful organizations. In talent development, you can’t separate the what, how, or the who. The skills are important for the company. The delivery method is important for the company and the learner. ... [more]

Man speaking in front of a group of people