In 1970, Congress enacted the Occupational Safety and Health Safety Act to regulate work practices and ensure that employers and their employees reduce the amount of job related injuries, illnesses, and death. ... [more]

Lab tech washing hands in sink

There is no predicting the potential costs a workplace accident can create for your company. Beyond the financial obligations, you want to ensure that your employees are comfortable and able to work efficiently without having to worry about their safety. Fortunately, many of these workplace accidents can be avoided if the proper safety and communication precautions are taken into account. ... [more]

cooling towers under a blue sky

It may not seem like working in an office environment would pose many dangers to personal safety. However, if the proper ergonomic procedures are not used, employees can develop and suffer from serious long-term injuries that can affect their day-to-day lives. Simple ergonomic techniques such as adjusting your seat to the correct level, using footrests, adjusting your keyboard to the right height, maintaining good sitting posture, keeping your computer monitor at the right brightness and many more can have a significant effect on your health. ... [more]

Woman typing on her computer

It is no secret that our economy is not the same as it was 10 years ago. With soaring unemployment rates accompanied with no shortage of qualified workers looking for jobs, the job market can feel like a war zone. In this day and age you can’t afford to be passive and hope that an opportunity falls in your lap. You need to find a way to stand apart from the crowd. That is why knowing how to effectively interview is so important. Successfully handling a job interview may be that one chance you get to show an employer that you are the right one for the job. At OpenSesame, we offer over 120 comprehensive training courses that will help you prepare for an interview and make a lasting impression on your prospective employers. ... [more]

Business woman interviewing with a team of businessmen and women

As a manager or supervisor, it is important that your employees feel safe and comfortable in the workplace. Workplace harassment can be a substantial problem for everyday business operations and can lead to expensive lawsuits if not properly handled by management. The OpenSesame marketplace offers a wide range of effective workplace harassment training courses and has courses specifically aimed at managers as well. ... [more]

man looking suggestively over glasses