Six months ago I posted “Tools for Freelance Instructional Designers”, with a compilation of various tools recommended by freelance instructional designers in LinkedIn. With this update, the suggestions are categorized as “open” (free to use) and “commercial” (pay for use). Some limitations of making this kind of list - many applications have a free version, in addition to a paid, premium version, with additional features, capabilities, etc. For the purposes of this post, if a free version is available (more than just a free trial), the application is listed in the “open” column. ... [more]

Note from editor: This post updated with new tools 6/3/11. A recent LinkedIn eLearning Guild Group member asked “What are the top tools for freelance elearning design and development?” and 100 comments later, there was quite a list.The result was a nice mix of both specific software for getting the work done and advice and suggestions related to running a freelance business.Here is my attempt to categorize and capture all of the recommendations, in no particular order of course. ... [more]

Tools for Freelance Instructional Designers