It’s December again! Last year I wrote an article about my personal training resolutions, which you can see here. This year was indeed a hilarious year for me, as I managed to conduct training at a conference during which one of the teambuilding exercises involved playing a game of contact soccer while wrapped in truly absurd amounts of bubble wrap (true story, by the way, and exactly as amusing as it sounds). This year, however, I’d like to focus on what I’m hoping will be good resolutions for you and your training department. ... [more]

Hello, and welcome to the end of the year! If you’re like me, then you’re already sick of New Year’s resolutions because they never seem to work out the way you want them to. For example, every year I hope to lose weight with the ultimate goal of becoming invisible, but it just hasn’t happened yet. And don’t even get me started on my 2011 resolution to command my very own helicopter army. ... [more]

Woman with crazy hair