The OpenSesame team believes in collaborating with our technology partners to solve problems and create elegant features for elearning professionals. To that end, we are thrilled to announce the release of the OpenSesame API. Our new read-write API will enable LMS developers to add value to their products through direct integration into the OpenSesame marketplace. Integration for LMS Developers The API will make it possible for LMS developers to integrate the OpenSesame catalog into any LMS. This will create two new opportunities for end users. ... [more]

Collaborate & Integrate with OpenSesame API

OpenSesame is building an online marketplace for buying and selling off-the-shelf elearning courses. As we work with course developers, the most common question we hear is, “What courses are in demand?” Here is the product of our latest research. ... [more]

The Top 10 eLearning Topics for 2011

Good design and user interface is only half the battle of creating memorable and effective elearning courses.  The other half is making sure that your course contains meaningful information that will produce results for learners.  We have some tips on editing and organizing content for course creators who are partnering with subject matter experts or doing independent research. Research Like You Mean It Research begins with needs assessment.  Your mission is to identify the problems and challenges your target audience encounters. ... [more]

Tips on Researching and Organizing Content

OpenSesame is a marketplace for connecting the buyers and sellers of elearning courses.  We want to reach beyond the market of the existing elearning developers and offer growth opportunities to designers with little experience with elearning courses or subject matter experts new to designing training courses.  To that end, we've created an overview of the components of effective, interesting and informative elearning courses.   Start by putting yourself in the learner’s position.  Their goal is to participate in an engaging experience with information and content that en ... [more]

How to Create Great eLearning Courses: An Overview

The integration between content management systems (CMS) and learning management systems (LMS) and use of popular open source CMS as an alternative to complex LMS is a hot topic.The benefit to a CMS-centered solution is full integration. It’s more convenient to have your eLearning system as an integral part of your business portal regardless of your sphere of activity. No need to hire specialists to administer your LMS, no need to redirect your users from site to site, no need to develop costly integrations. ... [more]

The Future of Open Source CMSs like Joomla in eLearning

Our previous post Everything That Can Be Digital, Will Be examines the migration of corporate training from traditional instructor-led training to elearning in the context of the digitization of other forms of media, like news, television and music. The conclusion from the data is obvious: Content that can be digital, whether news stories or songs, will be, because digital content is portable, flexible, convenient and affordable.The data also reveal a second point. Not only do consumers want their content to be digital, they want to consume it on their own terms. Content buyers ... [more]

 Everything That Can Be Granular, Will Be

Note from editor: This post updated with new tools 6/3/11. A recent LinkedIn eLearning Guild Group member asked “What are the top tools for freelance elearning design and development?” and 100 comments later, there was quite a list.The result was a nice mix of both specific software for getting the work done and advice and suggestions related to running a freelance business.Here is my attempt to categorize and capture all of the recommendations, in no particular order of course. ... [more]

Tools for Freelance Instructional Designers

Just before Thanksgiving, the American Society for Training & Development released the 2010 State of the Industry Report, a fantastic resource chock full of information on the corporate learning and professional development marketplace. Did you know, for example, that U.S. ... [more]

What Kind of eLearning Courses Are Companies Looking For?

Over the past 12 months there have been lots of posts written by eLearning thought leaders declaring the LMS to be dead in favor of more social and collaborative learning options. While I understand and applaud the reasoning - nurturing informal learning - there are still too many core uses for the LMS which are yet to be solved using a different system.I may be biased because I work in the LMS industry and know that our growth figures continue to rise as do the number of visitors to our site (thankfully). ... [more]

The LMS I Know Is Not Dying (Nor Is It Even Ill)

"Everything that can be digital, will be." Attributed to Benny Landa, founder of Indigo, the world's first commercially successful digital offset printing press, in 1993.   In the past 15 years, the digitization of media has made content more flexible, affordable and accessible. Content streams from news to music are rapidly transitioning to digital delivery. This transition is also evident in the world of corporate training with the emergence of elearning. What do other media transition stories tell us about the evolving market for elearning? Newspapers Become RSS ... [more]
