Just as with any new initiative or change in the workplace, creating buy-in and excitement among learners is often one of the first objectives when launching a strategic training program. Aligning the objectives to desired outcomes and clearly communicating using the WIIFM (“what’s in it for me”) model allows HR and L&D professionals to speak directly to the learners by turning abstract concepts into real-life situations. ... [more]

Entering into the world of human resources can be a daunting undertaking. You are a key stakeholder for recruiting, training, retaining, and developing your employee workforce. Your responsibilities can become overwhelming unless you break through your challenges to reveal your inner superhero. ... [more]

Peruse most any business publication or take a look at survey data of industry executives and you’ll see that senior leaders cite innovation, agility, and adeptness at change management to be of paramount importance as their organizations seek a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced economy. Of course the ability to innovate or navigate change doesn’t happen through osmosis or merely because it’s desired; it requires embedding the appropriate values and behaviors within the cultural DNA of the organization. ... [more]

There’s a lot of talk about big data and how it helps businesses become more responsive to customers’ fast-changing needs. This type of thinking can equally be applied to corporate Learning and Development. Until recently, HR and L&D Managers have approached skills development from a business need perspective. But now, big data, revealing the way vast and detailed insights on learner behavior, is opening up more opportunities to build effective learning environments than ever before. ... [more]

Lets face it, evaluating eLearning courses is difficult. There are literally hundreds of content providers, thousands of eLearning courses and they all claim to design effective eLearning courseware. The problem is compounded when you have multiple stakeholders as is often the case when deploying an eLearning solution. You’ll undoubtedly get many different opinions on what people like and dislike. Options are useful, but don't help drive a decision on where to spend your training dollars. ... [more]

For centuries, we have been fascinated by autodidacts, people who teach themselves immense amounts of knowledge and go on to accomplish great things. From the Wright brothers and Benjamin Franklin to Steven Spielberg and Jimi Hendrix, we are naturally drawn to unorthodox success stories outside the confines of education. After all, who hasn't daydreamed about dropping out of school, founding the next Facebook or Microsoft, and making billions? ... [more]

How is it possible there were 12.7 million unemployed Americans in 2010, while seven million skilled jobs went unfilled? The answer lies in the so-called “skills gap” that we’re currently experiencing—job searchers are unqualified for available positions. The future looks bleak; if we continue down the current path, seven million will increase to 21 million empty jobs by 2020. ... [more]

Learning comes in many forms, not all of which occur in a classroom. Each time you move outside of your comfort zone, you have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and the world.  Each year we list our top tools for learning to try in the new year. The goal of this list is not only to make your life easier, but to challenge you to explore different ways of learning. Take an adventure, try a new book, or meet new folks with whom you can share your knowledge. ... [more]

As we progress through an increasingly tech-based millennium, online learning is continuing to become a more prominent part of employee training and education. According to ATD’s 2014 State of the Industry Report, online training accounted for more than a third of the total employee learning hours documented in the last year. ... [more]

The debate between in-person and online training has been prominent since elearning was first introduced. Research shows benefits of both, and defenders of both sides vehemently argue their points. However, there is a way to maintain the advantages of both without sacrificing any learning. Known as “blended learning,” it combines elearning and traditional classroom-esque interactions. eLearning has been shown to increase student enthusiasm, cost effectiveness, and in many cases, retention and student ability at the end of the course. ... [more]
