Each year, the research firm Brandon Hall conducts a study across the Learning Technology industry to discover trends, desires, and new technology in the business. Here at OpenSesame we have read the whole study so you don’t have to! Below are the main points of the study, as well as possible future focuses in the LMS and elearning industries.   The top goal of organizations is to explore new technology Although elearning has come a long way since its induction into the corporate world in the late 1990’s, there are many frontiers yet to be explored. ... [more]

There’s nothing like going to an exciting sports event; the crowd is cheering, families are sharing soft pretzels and buckets of popcorn, and the stadium is smattered with various colored jerseys from each opposing team. Why do fans stick around so long? Because watching the game and the whole experience is fun! Your elearning can incorporate many of the same principles as baseball, basketball, football, or any other sport. Not only is watching the event a good time, the players are having a great time, and there’s usually plenty of action, a few surprises, and a great coach who leads the team. Your elearning audience is much like a sports team. As an elearning designer, your training should lead them to the finish line while they’re having a great time and benefiting from the experience. ... [more]

I graduated from a small liberal arts college in 2015. During the four years I was in college, I didn’t take any online courses and still purchased most of my textbooks in paper form. I took courses from as many professors who utilized Moodle (an open source LMS) as I did from professors who did not allow e-readers or laptops in class. As I see online education and distance learning grow in popularity, I have to wonder, did I attend college in a digital dark age? Or are we poised on the brink of a technology-driven overhaul in higher education? ... [more]

Offices have changed dramatically over the last few decades. No longer do we picture smoky conference rooms and men walking around in suits as in the days of Mad Men. Nowadays, workers are often inspired by fantasies of standing desks, glass walls, free laundry, and slides between levels if they’re lucky. Instead of finding information in filing cabinets, gathering information is quick and easy. Need to find an answer instantaneously? Google it. Need career advice? Browse LinkedIn. Immediate access to information is in-synch with our modern office culture. ... [more]

In today’s ever-increasingly technological world, being digitally connected is essential to social, political and economic advancement. Technology has revolutionized the way we learn, teach, communicate, and carry out even the simplest of tasks. The Internet is becoming a basic necessity in any field, and providing others with this resource will contribute to workforce development. The digital divide is described as the gap between individuals with and without access to technology, such as personal computers and the Internet. The digital divide is not just limited to underdeveloped or developing countries. The issue exists in developed nations, both domestically and internationally. ... [more]

Last month, I shared why becoming a values-based culture is good for business. But knowing something is the right thing to do and accomplishing it are two different steps. Once an organization realizes they want to focus on building and cultivating a values-based culture, they need to put an action plan in place to accomplish the goal. ... [more]

In 1930 Albert Einstein discovered the world’s most well-known equation: E= MC2, a fundamental relationship between mass and energy that is constant throughout the universe. ... [more]

The way in which learning occurs in organizations has changed tremendously and with this evolution comes a new focus for Learning & Development professionals. In many organizations the role of the training professional has transformed; no longer focused on delivering training, today’s L&D professional is now a facilitator of learning who also serves as an information manager, a content curator, and a builder of learning communities. ... [more]

Through OpenSesame’s free Distracted Driving courses, employees will learn why distracted driving is dangerous, and more importantly, safety tips for keeping themselves and others free of incidents. The courses are quick and easy to watch at home or work, and pack a lot of information to share with your workforce. ... [more]

Organizational values are those values that allow the organization to complete their mission and ultimately fulfill their vision. So it makes complete sense. Organizations need to embrace the values that will help them succeed. ... [more]
