Motivated employees want to advance in their company no matter how much they love their existing position. Entry level workers and newer employees are often passed over for promotions because managers simply don’t see their potential. ... [more]

As a PR Manager, you know how to represent your organization. However, as seasoned and knowledgeable as you may be, if you’re not careful, a minor mistake from a lapse in thought or a hurried report can come back to bite.   Before you make any move, double check to make sure you’re not falling into one of these slipups:   1. Cold Calls That Burn This goes for any division of an organization, but especially fits the PR side. When trying to reach a reporter, potential client, or other organization’s PR department, know whom you’re calling before you pick up the phone. ... [more]

Every salesperson hits dry slumps throughout their career. Sometimes, the best way to get out of this slump is to change your approach.  A new sales technique can shed new light on your product both to yourself and to your sales opportunities. ... [more]
