L&D Trends

Crafting a Winning Leadership Development Program

Ready to elevate your organization’s leadership and management training to new heights? In today’s fast-paced workplace, it’s more crucial than ever to have a robust leadership development program that not only attracts top talent but also retains and grooms future leaders.

Skills-based talent development in the age of AI

It’s official: skills-based hiring is in, and traditional qualifications like degrees and experience are (on their way) out as the most important factors in bringing on new talent. This dynamic and equitable approach is transforming how organisations recruit their workforce, prioritising specific abilities and competencies over conventional criteria.

Unlocking Innovation: How TED Can Inspire Your Workplace

Explore how TED2024’s theme, ‘The Brave and the Brilliant’ can inspire transformative learning and development in your workplace. From harnessing AI to fostering critical thinking, dive into the event’s takeaways and how they apply to everyday organizational growth.