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We want you for the OpenSesame expert reviewer panel

Calling All eLearning Experts: Join Our Review Panel and Get Paid to Learn

OpenSesame is building the world’s marketplace for online learning content, with a comprehensive selection of courses from sellers covering everything from communication and sales skills to website development and Cisco server administration.  It’s our goal to connect the ecommerce experience you’re used to on Amazon to elearning, with flexible purchasing, transparent pricing and of course,… Read more »

Five reasons to use online training

Five Reasons More U.S. Manufacturers Use Online Training

While many U.S. industrial facilities still use time-consuming classroom training for repetitive site-specific orientations, more progressive manufacturers are turning to online training to reduce injuries, lower costs, and make better use of valuable classroom training time. Here are five important reasons why. Make better use of valuable classroom time. There is often unwarranted contention between… Read more »

Renren logo The Facebook of China’s Younger Generation

Social networks are transforming the ways people communicate, from meeting new friends and staying in touch with family to building professional networks and creating learning communities. While Chinese social networkers don’t have access to Facebook and Twitter, they use a variety of Chinese applications to make the most of the opportunities provided by online social… Read more »


OpenSesame and Reviewsnap Partner to Integrate Performance Management and Corporate Training

OpenSesame (, the elearning marketplace, and Reviewsnap (, the leading cloud-based performance management software solution, today announced a powerful partnership. The alliance integrates the services of both companies, giving Reviewsnap customers greater and more streamlined access to performance management content. OpenSesame is an online marketplace for corporate training courses, where buyers choose from more than… Read more »

elearning waste

Reduce Your eLearning Spending with the Pay-Per-Use Model

“Inventory is waste.” That’s the well-known slogan of the just in time inventory control model, but it doesn’t just apply to widgets or office supplies. An unused inventory of elearning courses is just as wasteful. Many companies get their elearning in bulk: Enticed or forced to sign long-term contracts or purchase big subscriptions, they spend… Read more »

elearning waste

Reporting from the E-Learning Heroes Roadshow in Portland

Yesterday the OpenSesame team had the distinct pleasure of hosting two real E-Learning Heroes, David Anderson and Tom Kuhlmann from Articulate, for a workshop in Portland, Oregon, our hometown. We had a great day, full of learning, discussion and treats like Stumptown Coffee and cookies. Tom and David travel all over the country conducting these… Read more »


HTML5 for Multimedia Experiences: Judy Unrein at Learning Solutions

Interactivity is not just built in Flash anymore, Toto! With tools like HTML5 and Javascript, developers can create rich interactive experiences that load quickly, work on any device and provide full accessibility for readers of any kind (whether human or robot!) – all big challenges elearning developers face when developing and delivering interactive experiences. Last… Read more »

using iphones to access the web

Developing for the Mobile Web: Native vs. Web Apps

As mobile devices represent a fast and growing proportion of overall web use, one of the big, knotty challenges web developers face is whether developing a native app (one, for example, that’s bought or sold in the App Store) or a web app (one accessed through the mobile device’s browser) is the way to go.… Read more »

LINGOS global giveback

OpenSesame Partners with LINGOs for the Global Giveback Competition

OpenSesame is proud to partner with LINGOs (Learning in Non Governmental Organizations), a fabulous nonprofit working to create, gather and connect learning resources for humanitarian organizations. Each year, LINGOs partners with The eLearning Guild and OpenSesame to organize the eLearning Global Giveback Competition. The Global Giveback competition connects LINGOs members to volunteer elearning developers who… Read more »

SXSW Classroom 2020 Panel

Venture Capital in Education: New Technology and New Solutions

At last week’s SXSW interactive conference, blogger Betsy Corcoran of EdSurge convened a panel discussion among venture capitalists on the future of education technology: “Classroom 2020: VCs and the Education Revolution”. Participants included Mitch Kapor of Kapor Capital, Phillip Bronner of Novak Biddle Venture Partners and Rob Hutter of LearnCapital. Education startups are “hot” right… Read more »

learning styles

Learning Styles: What Is All the Fuss About?

I’ve recently been reading quite a few articles, tweets and blog posts about whether learning styles exist. Most I read make their arguments against, but there are still others who are holding onto their belief in the various models and theories. Both sides are blogging, tweeting and retweeting in defense of their positions. Frankly, I… Read more »

Atomic Training

5 Ways Your Company Could Benefit from Online Software Training

Continued education and training is a key component in any organization, but it can be a costly and time consuming process. This doesn’t need to be the case. With online software training, you provide your organization the flexibility of learning what they need, when they need it.  You’re not tied into specific dates or classes.… Read more »

OpenSesame's Place in the Global eLearning Market

OpenSesame is more than just a marketplace for English-language training content – our Global Team is focusing on developing a worldwide network of buyers and sellers who create and share content in any language. Tera Wu, our International Business Development Manager, was recently interviewed for Online-Edu, a Chinese language blog covering educational technology in the… Read more »

Five Ways to Write Great Course Descriptions

Five Tips for Interesting Course Descriptions

If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, your course pages are a key opportunity to make an impression on potential buyers. Here are the five essential steps to creating a great OpenSesame course page: Add an interesting selection of images. Customers’ eyes are captured by images – so upload several beautiful screenshots of your… Read more »

Five Ways to Write Great Course Descriptions

Course of the Week: Mastering Management by Enspire Learning

​ ​ Wednesday, February 21, 2012 Mastering Management: Coaching     $95/seat       Mastering Management: Coaching By Enspire Learning   Coaching skills often determine the success or failure of a manager’s relationship with his or her employees. Yet, many new-and experienced-managers lack basic coaching techniques and the confidence to provide effective feedback. Mastering Management: Coaching… Read more »

Five Ways to Write Great Course Descriptions

Five Tips for a Captivating Seller Profile

If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, your profile is more than just a quick stop on your way to to selling training courses – it’s your opportunity to help customers find your courses and to feel confident about them. Here’s five essential steps to creating a great OpenSesame seller profile: Add an… Read more »

Five Ways to Write Great Course Descriptions

Course of the Week: Microsoft Excel 2010 by TutorPro

  ​ ​ Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Microsoft Excel 2010   $7.50 & up      Volume Discount Price 1-30 0% $30.00 31-199 25% $22.50 200-499 50% $15.00 500+ 75% $7.50   Microsoft Excel 2010 by TutorPro     TutorPro builds short and targeted courses to enable learners to use Microsoft Office tools more effectively and productively.… Read more »