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25 Online Resources to Make You a Photoshop Expert

Photoshop is the leading photo editing software on the market, with hundreds of functions and applications. While almost anyone can crop a photo, even the pros take years to master the use of the myriad tools – from color correction to more dramatic editing. In a fast-paced, competitive global business arena, just getting by isn’t… Read more »

10 Tips for CRUSHING Your Next Presentation

More than half of Americans would rather die than speak publicly. This means more than half of Americans willingly reject incredible opportunities to share their best ideas with a captive audience – opportunities that could prove to be career-changers. Luckily, being comfortable with public speaking is not something some people have and others don’t. It… Read more »

Course of the Week: FranklinCovey's Tips for Managing Your Time

Thousands of courses, instantly  Employee Development Regulation Compliance Business Growth How to Manage Your Time Effectively by FranklinCovey FranklinCovey’s tips for managing your time Develop a culture of preparation and prevention Eliminate distractions from top priorities Focus your energy where it counts Starting at $7.99 FranklinCovey Team-Building Courses Team Victory Effective Execution Make a Difference… Read more »

The OpenSesame Seller Community: 200 Strong and Growing

OpenSesame is the world’s leading marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses – and we rely on our community of sellers to offer our customers the widest selection of elearning courses all in one place. This week we reached a major milestone: Our 200th seller, PTT, joined the elearning marketplace. And then we quickly reached… Read more »

frustrated woman looking at computer

5 Reasons Your eLearning Course Doesn't Work For Learners

eLearning presents an incredible opportunity to connect employees to high quality learning opportunities in the context of their workday- but there’s nothing more frustrating than a terrible elearning course. Poorly designed elearning courses can make your employees so frustrated they lose interest in any kind of learning opportunities, no matter how well designed. Whether you’re… Read more »

Apple image on the back of an iPad

Solving the 'iPad Problem'

As consumers, learners and others go increasingly mobile, the glaring weakness in many eLearning platforms becomes more obvious. Most eLearning authors embed much of their learning experience in Flash movies– which are incompatible with Apple’s mobile devices. The iPad– and to a lesser extent the iPhone– have come to dominate their markets and consumers want… Read more »

Microsoft Outlook Training: 7 Great Outlook Productivity Tips

Microsoft Outlook Training: 7 Great Outlook Productivity Features

In the modern workplace, time is a scarce commodity. While email has made communication faster and easier, without proper maintenance our email inboxes can become another source of workplace stress. Applying the proper tools to inbox organization will help you to use email as the powerful communication tool it is meant to be. Microsoft Outlook… Read more »

Woman typing on her computer

Office Ergonomics: Staying Safe and Healthy in the Workplace

It may not seem like working in an office environment would pose many dangers to personal safety. However, if the proper ergonomic procedures are not used, employees can develop and suffer from serious long-term injuries that can affect their day-to-day lives. Simple ergonomic techniques such as adjusting your seat to the correct level, using footrests,… Read more »

save money on free courses

The Top 10 Free eLearning Courses on OpenSesame

Interested in testing the elearning waters? Want to try the unique OpenSesame buying process without actually having to buy anything? Have a couple of minutes to pick up a new skill? If your answer to any or all of these questions is, “Yes!” you’ll be pleased to know that OpenSesame has a number of FREE… Read more »

OpenSesame's 12/12 License

If you’re an elearning buyer, you’re used to frustration, inflexibility and negotiation. You’re used to seeing licenses you’ve paid for go to waste because circumstances changed or schedules got in the way – and you’re not used to vendors who say “yes”. It’s OpenSesame’s goal to make elearning work for you, with flexible purchasing and… Read more »

Dealing With HAZMAT: What Employers Need to Know

Hazardous materials, also known as HAZMAT, are present in numerous professions. What seems to be an ordinary product might be flammable, toxic, or even explosive. It is essential for professionals in environments where they may encounter hazardous materials to receive adequate training on handling dangerous goods. Though one might only be responsible for a specific… Read more »

Keeping Up With Your eLearning Course Sales on OpenSesame

If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, no doubt you want to know how your courses are selling. OpenSesame’s dashboard provides real-time sales data to help you understand what’s selling, when. Viewing Sales Data Start by logging into OpenSesame and clicking “My Account” in the top right of the navigation bar. This is… Read more »

Immersive eLearning Environments: Why They Work

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —Maya Angelou eLearning courses provide opportunity to create simulated learning environments, where learners can experiment safely and demonstrate skills. Immersive eLearning environments emotionally engage learners by adding verbal and nonverbal… Read more »

6 Courses for Simple Software Upgrades

Is your company running on outdated software? More than 30 percent of people across the United States are still running Windows XP even though it came out more than 10 years ago. Companies are almost as far behind. Many are still using software like Microsoft Office 2003 – they’re aware that it is outdated, but… Read more »