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INFOGRAPHIC: Nursing Facts 2013

To kick off our week centered on nursing and nurse training, we’ve created an infographic summarizing the state of the nursing in 2013. As a growing field, nursing can be hard to keep up with; here you’ll find all of the up-to-date industry information to keep you in the loop! If you’re looking for nursing… Read more »

Packaging Line

Course of the Week: Lean Training Bundle

While not everyone has heard of “lean” training, they’ve certainly heard of major companies who employ the technique– Ford and Toyota are among the fans. This manufacturing style seeks to maintain a streamlined production system to help companies stay competitive and relevant. This week’s Course of the Week, the Lean Training Bundle, from Automated Learning… Read more »

Linchpin Cover

Books We Read: Linchpin Part 1

As part of OpenSesame’s internship program, our company is reading Linchpin: Are you Indispensable? by Seth Godin. Every Wednesday the company (including our remote workers over Google Hangout!) comes together to discuss chapters of the book and how they apply to our work at OpenSesame and our future careers. The goal of this exercise is… Read more »

Urban Outfitters

Innovative Work Environments

Though the idea of a corporate office is not the most pleasant, there are a few companies opposing the norm. There are a number of innovative workspaces across the globe that showcase playful office decor. This article highlights a few of these innovative workspaces. Google is known for creativity, innovation, and fun– the Mountain View… Read more »

Looking to boost office morale? Try a Fantasy sports league

As football season begins to ramp up, an estimated 24.3 million Americans will be dedicating time to maintaining their fantasy teams, many during business hours. Surveys have shown fantasy players spend an average of one hour updating their lineups during the workday, which can equate to around $6.5 billion in wages paid by employers to… Read more »

Coding Screen

Course of the Week: HTML and CSS for Beginners

HTML is intricately involved in everything we do on the web. No matter what work you’re doing, from blogging and building pages to simply sending email, HTML is involved. As the building blocks of the internet, HTML and CSS are critical skills for those looking to gain a higher degree of control and power over… Read more »

Frantopia 2013 Franchisee Growth Series

Owning a franchisee can be as challenging as it is exciting, which is why Frantopia brings together franchise owners from all over the world to share their stories and connect with each other. Frantopia also seeks to provide quality resources and access to best practices to facilitate franchisee growth. As part of this mission, Frantopia… Read more »

Best Programming Languages for Beginning Coders

So you want to be a programmer? Once you’ve decided whether to teach yourself or embark on a more formal course of study, you will have to choose which language you want to learn first. As a followup to OpenSesame intern Daniel Chen’s post on TechRepublic outlining the best programming languages to learn on your own… Read more »

The Ultimate Programming Debate: Self-Taught vs Degree

There is no argument digital literacy is a necessary skill for the majority of jobs in today’s economy. Photoshop, social media and a knowledge of HTML are becoming staples of the modern workplace in the same way Microsoft Office and email have been for the past two decades. However, it remains to be seen as… Read more »

Hi from New Business Development and Sales Associate

Howdy y’all! I’m Jessica Frankel, the newest addition to the Business Development and Sales team at OpenSesame. I’m a recent graduate from the University of Oregon, where I majored in Political Science and Business Administration. Although my greeting suggests I hail from Texas, I was actually born and raised in Portland. Having been infatuated with… Read more »

Course of the Week: Hazard Communication GHS Update

Since 1983, the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) has educated employers and employees on proper usage, containment and cleanup of chemicals in the workplace. The recent adoption of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) builds upon the work of HCS, creating a more standardized approach to labeling and determining what hazardous effects a chemical poses. If your… Read more »

Drafting a Successful Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy

Discussing drugs and alcohol with your employees can be a highly personal and uncomfortable subject. However, since more than 75% of illicit drug users are currently employed, and drug abuse costs U.S. businesses an estimated $100 billion annually in damages and lost productivity, it may be time to start the conversation. Framing your company’s drug and… Read more »

INFOGRAPHIC: OSHA Violations and Training Fines

Keeping workers safe on the job is an important consideration for employers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), part of the Department of Labor, works to assure safe working conditions for employees by both creating and enforcing standards and providing training, education, outreach, and assistance. OSHA sets forth flexible requirements surrounding training; it is up… Read more »


Free eBook: Build Your eLearning Game Plan

Earlier this summer we released the first ebook in our eLearning Program Success series, “5 eLearning Myths and How to Avoid Them.” This ebook is designed to help those interested in pursuing elearning programs for their companies to dispel common assumptions, such as elearning being expensive and time-consuming, and provide information to make the argument… Read more »

Sales Win!

BYO Build Your Own Sales Curriculum

Want to build your sales knowledge and skills? Look no further than the following sales training from OpenSesame. Whether you’re just starting out in sales or are a seasoned pro, continuing your sales education is critical; the world of sales is always changing– you don’t want to be left behind.   Your sales style is… Read more »

Tips for Handling Sales Rejection

You’ve worked hard to improve your lead generation efforts, making sure you are attracting qualified companies that are interested in your product or service. You’ve got a rockstar team of trained business development professionals passionate about connecting with these companies to help solve their business challenges. All the pieces are in place for a great… Read more »

3 Hidden Tools To Increase LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn may lack the “cool” factor of Facebook and Twitter, leaving many to argue whether its platform holds the same power as its social networking counterparts. However, whereas Facebook and Twitter attempt to meet any and all needs of their consumers, LinkedIn has focused on the niche it knows best–professionals. As a result, LinkedIn has… Read more »