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Gen Y/Millennials

I'm a Millennial, But I'm Also an Individual

How millennial am I? Well, I scored a 96 on Pew Research Center’s “How Millennial Are You?” quiz. Apparently pretty millennial! Though I am most definitely part of the Millennial generation, I was surprised at how high my score was. As I read the multitude of reports about my generation in the workplace, I often find… Read more »


Course of the Week Highlight: Lead With Confidence

Whether you’re a veteran leader or you’ve been recently promoted into a leadership role, you’ll likely want to brush up your skills with leadership training. While broad-topic courses can be beneficial, sometimes you need specific training for your experience level or role. Here’s where OpenSesame’s extensive leadership content library can help. Become the best leader you… Read more »

Youth Unemployment

Unique Approaches to Combating Youth Unemployment

At the beginning of each month, like clockwork, news organizations will run a story highlighting the latest “jobs numbers.” Typically this brief 10-30 second sound bite will announce the number of jobs created and any change in the unemployment rate—and that’s about it. Perhaps we will hear a more in depth report when there is… Read more »

Gen Y Leader

Teaching Leadership to Gen Y

In my experience, Gen Y are not afraid to step up and take on responsibility. They possess a ‘can do attitude’ and are great team players. 28% of managerial positions in the United States are already held by Gen Ys, those born between 1980s – 2000, also known as Millennials (Bersin). Common characteristics of Gen… Read more »


Hello from Our New Senior Business Developer

People used to tell me all the time that I had one of the most exciting jobs on the planet and I most certainly did—until now! I am a veteran journalist of 14 years. My early career was spent at major metro newspapers throughout the United States and overseas reporting for wire services, which allowed… Read more »

How to Make eLearning Course Text Look Great

I see many elearning courses over a year, some published by market-leading elearning agencies. What saddens me is a widespread lack of understanding of how to present text on a screen. If content looks heavy, readers get the subconscious impression that the material is difficult; this only adds to any apprehension they may initially have… Read more »

Project Management Tips for Your eLearning Course

Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post is part of a blog series on creating elearning courses by Sharlyn Lauby, SPHR, CPLP. Sharlyn is a HR pro turned consultant with more than 20 years of professional human resources experience. I have a confession to make. My elearning project is behind schedule. It happens to the best of… Read more »

Big News Out of ASTD International Conference & Expo 2014

This past week I had the privilege of attending my first ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) conference in Washington D.C. It was fantastic connecting with colleagues, partners and clients in our nation’s capital, as well as getting a chance to learn more about current trends and developments within the industry. One of the… Read more »

Reduce Workplace Clutter and Stress by Switching to Trello

As creative professionals, project managers, or company leaders, we all seek ways to improve our workflow and increase productivity in the workplace. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re highlighting a tool many people in our office use (and love) to reduce the stress of tracking tasks. I’m pleased to announce that the days… Read more »

Course of the Week Highlight: Ace Your Next Interview, No Matter Which Side You're On

Do you get nervous before interviews (as the interviewer or interviewee?). You’re not alone! Being prepared can make a huge difference. Whether you’re mastering body language techniques, becoming an active listener, or brushing up on general interview skills, preparation is key! With this week’s featured courses, you’re sure to nail your next interview, no matter… Read more »


Marketing Your eLearning Initiative – Email

When it comes to corporate elearning, we all hope “if we build it, they will come.” And while initial excitement may result in high usage, building long-term interest in your elearning initiative requires regular communication regarding the program’s benefits and content. The next several posts of the “Marketing Your eLearning Initiative” series will focus on… Read more »

Head with Gears

May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Is Your Company Ready?

May is Mental Health America’s 65th Mental Health Awareness Month; the theme for 2014 is “Mind Your Health.” I have my undergraduate degree in psychology, so this is a month and topic I’m passionate about and excited to explore further. Throughout the month, I’ll be covering a variety of mental health and general psychology topics!… Read more »

Effective Training Visuals – Clarify Complexity

Here’s the fifth in a series of blog posts written to help you evaluate elearning courses by considering how well their visuals add to the effectiveness of the training. If you’re scoring from home, the four previous posts have covered:    Organizing on-screen visual elements to ease perception Using visual elements to direct the viewer’s… Read more »

Erin McCune

Hi From Our New Sales Manager

Hi! I’m Erin McCune, Sales Manager here at OpenSesame. I’m thrilled to be onboard with such an amazing team of people and am excited to play an integral role in launching the success of the sales team to new heights! A native Oregonian, I was in the first graduating class at Wilsonville High School, and… Read more »

Train track cover

Free eBook: Build Training Programs That Last

Just as we all began with basic addition and worked our way up to algebra and geometry in school, our professional skills must be built up over time. A training course here or there over the span of a year can help employees with short-term needs, but does not allow the build-up of knowledge critical… Read more »


eLearning (and OpenSesame!) Goes Global

So far in 2014, 46% of OpenSesame’s traffic has come from outside the US. What does this mean for us as a company? Both content providers and learning management companies are becoming increasingly global, and so are we! Currently, elearning is a $56.2 billion industry, on track to double by 2015. Forecasts predict the elearning… Read more »

Woman Working on Laptop

Make Your eLearning Content More Accessible, Understood, and Remembered With This One Tip!

There’s recently been a lot of interest in captioning online video content. With over 48 million Americans having some degree of hearing impairment, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued rules requiring more video to include captions. Many online education sites have taken note. In addition to staying one step ahead of the regulatory curve,… Read more »