Supporting Remote Employees in the Workplace

Remote workers are on the rise in many modern workplaces. The changing culture and daily work habits that our society has acquired over the past decade contribute largely to this increase.
Lauren, the Senior Account Executive at OpenSesame, is a full-time employee who has been working remotely for the past fifteen years. “I have my own office in the house with a desk, printer, and computer,” she states, all things you would find in a traditional office space. Work doesn’t always have to happen in a traditional office space. Working from home eliminates all of the daily distractions in a workplace, such as chatter, visitors, phone calls, etc., and allows you to focus on your job.
Some people may believe that remote meetings are counter-productive but sometimes, virtual space meetings can be more efficient. Because of time differences and location, we make sure that meetings are concise, unlike some traditional meetings that tend to drag on and on. Although technical difficulties do exist, Lauren has said that she experienced very few issues that would impede on her productivity.
Of course, it’s important to consider the company’s willingness to keep all employees in the loop, wherever they may be working from. This requires good communication and commitment--two essential qualities for a successful business. However, sometimes in order to thrive , sacrifices must be made. Levy agreed that “working remotely does result in a lack of camaraderie,” but nevertheless, she remains a fully engaged member as a part of the team.
Jason Fried, co-author of Remote: Office Not Required stated that “as an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you’re not getting the best people you can. As an employee, restricting your job search to companies within a reasonable commute means you’re not working for the best company you can.” Shrinking the candidate pool will affect the business more than anything, and the quality of life for employees.
Companies should show support for remote workers in order to ensure recruitment of the most talented and skilled individuals needed for a business to thrive. And once implemented, it’s important that companies invest in creating a harmonious workplace exceeding the physical boundaries.
How will you create a company culture that supports the use of remote workers? Let us know in the comments below!