Welcome to Our New Marketing Team Lead

Howdy, my name is Tim Greve, and I couldn’t be happier to join the OpenSesame team.
Who remembers the Nike basketball posters? Iceman, The Supreme Court, Moses? How about the original Apple “Think Different” TV spot? I LOVE that stuff!
As a life long Portlander, I have spent a considerable amount of time in different industries. Throughout my career, I’ve been one of those people that geeks out on great marketing and advertising, no matter where it lives. Portland has such a rich history of innovation and excellence in branding, marketing and advertising, that I feel privileged to be part of it. Combine that with working at a company that innovates in helping people become better people, and I’ll label that the Promised Land of Jobs. Learning can be one of the greatest joys of life, and we here at OpenSesame get the privilege of being part of that process.
In my off time, when I’m not spending it with my family, I’ve been known to spend hours and days on a motorcycle, and have made the pilgrimage to The Rally in Sturgis, SD 3 1/2 times. (About that 1/2 time, if you are curious about what happens when you break down down in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, with no cell service, ask me). It sounds cliche, but riding has taught me many things about life, people, patience, and myself.
It all comes back to learning and the journey.
Onward and Upward!