Customer Service: The Bank Teller Edition

The customer service industry is multi-faceted—you can be a waiter or waitress in a restaurant, a sales person at a department store, or a cashier at the local market. Many people don’t think of banking as part of the customer service industry, or if they do it tends to be with negative connotations. Banks tend to have a stereotype of bad customer service, which leads to unhappy customers and can potentially lead to customers closing their accounts. Don’t worry, OpenSesame is here to help; with our large catalog of customer service courses targeted at the banking industry, you can ensure your customers are having a positive experience.
Why is Customer Service Important?
Customer service is always important. No matter what industry you are in, a happy customer is a repeat customer. In the banking industry, customer service is especially important because banks want to retain account holders and bring new ones in. As a bank teller, you have more interactions with customers on a day to day basis than almost anyone else in your bank, which means you are the person who needs to make an impression and prove why a customer should trust you with their money. No one wants someone they don’t trust handling their money, which is why you need to have the people skills and banking knowledge to earn your customer’s trust.
How YOU Can Improve Your Customer Service
Whether you are a new bank teller, an experienced employee, or someone who works with a bank in other ways, knowing the essentials of customer service in the banking industry will get you far. There are many aspects of customer service that go far beyond saying “How may I help you?” with a smile on your face. You want to be able to help anyone and everyone who walks into your bank, which may be someone who doesn’t speak English proficiently enough to do what they need to do. Instead of waiting for this situation to happen to you or one of your employees, be proactive by taking a language course targetted at bank tellers, such as Pronto Spanish for Bank Tellers. Even if you’ve been in the industry for years, refreshing yourself and your employees on the various aspects of customer service and winning over people’s trust will reward your business in the long run. OpenSesame offers numerous courses on the essentials of customer service for bank tellers, so try out one of these great courses today!
- Customer Service for Bank Tellers
- The Platform and Outstanding Customer Service
- Principles of Banking
Know What You’re Talking About
Being a nice person is only just one facet of customer service, to really be able to provide your customers with a good experience you need to be able to answer their questions in regards to the banking industry. Questions could range from needing help reading a bank statement, to understanding eletronic banking, to understanding bank regualtions such as the Bank Secrecy Act, or the USA Patriot Act.
Whether a seasoned bank worker or a new employee, OpenSesame has courses to help you improve your customer interactions and expand your knowledge on the banking industry.