Construction: Safety and Practices

The construction industry is all around us, from the new housing development going in down the road to the swimming pool your neighbors have decided to put in; construction is everywhere. With construction comes many safety hazards and compliance regulations that need to be met, and whether you’re new on the job or a seasoned veteran of the construction industry, there is always a new thing or two you can learn or revisit.
It comes as a no brainer that construction can be a potentially dangerous job—it requires heavy lifting and the use of advanced machinery. By no means does this mean you shouldn’t participate in construction; it just means you need to know how to keep yourself and others around you safe as well. To make sure you are up to date on all the OSHA regulations, check out one of OpenSesame’s easy-to-use courses on OSHA. Think you know all you need to know about OSHA? There’s always more you can learn, and OSHA just covers the general regulations and safety guidelines, so try another safety course on lead safety in construction or forklift operation safety.
If you want to work in construction, you’ll need to know how to do a plethora of jobs, from installing windows in homes to building a deck. With every job comes a new list of skills and knowledge required to perform the task in an efficient and safe manner, which means even if you have been on the job for years, you might not know the precautions necessary when working residential construction in coastal areas. One of the biggest growths in construction in the past few years has been the emergence of green infrastructure and sustainable construction, which will only grow in popularity in the coming years. Make sure you and your coworkers are well versed in these new building standards so you are ready to begin your first green building.
From learning how to read a blueprint to understanding safe work permits, OpenSesame has you covered on anything and everything you might need to know regarding the construction industry. Just remember, if you’re going out in the field, don’t forget to wear your hard hat!
Check out a few of these other great OpenSesame construction related courses: