Check out our course of the week: Hazard Communication for OSHA Compliance by Vivid Learning Systems! ... [more]
Valuing your business by the bottom line is certainly important, but what about valuing your business by its values? Workplace values go unnoticed until a major corporate scandal rocks the business world. When Enron’s accounting fraud was brought to light, commentators highlighted the major disconnect between the company’s stated values (communication, respect, integrity and excellence) and what actually happened behind closed doors. There’s no better time for your organization to have a serious conversation about what being a value-centered company looks in action. ... [more]
Help your supervisors prevent sexual harassment with this Course of the Week by J.J. Keller. ... [more]
Office safety training may seem unnecessary if you work in an office like ours. Each day here at OpenSesame, we sit at our desks typing furiously on our laptops. It seems the greatest occupational hazard we face is carpal tunnel, or - at worst - bruises from a broken office chair. But safety training becomes more important when your ‘office’ is an 18-wheeler... or a team of 14 sled dogs. OpenSesame seller J.J. ... [more]
More than half of Americans would rather die than speak publicly. This means more than half of Americans willingly reject incredible opportunities to share their best ideas with a captive audience - opportunities that could prove to be career-changers. Luckily, being comfortable with public speaking is not something some people have and others don’t. It is a skill, like riding a bike, that can be developed. All it takes is some time to organize, practice, and adjust one’s perceptions. ... [more]
If you’re interested in the answers to questions about what makes a movie profitable, how to succeed in the entertainment industry, and which steps you should take to protect intellectual property, Von Johnson’s The Business of Entertainment courses are immensely helpful. Von Johnson has worked in the film industry for over 30 years. His extensive work with The Walt Disney Company, Turner Broadcasting, Universal Television, ITC Entertainment and a VOD start-up in Silicon Valley has resulted in a personal network of highly successful creative and business people alike, such as former Disney Studios Chairman Peter Schneider and Randy Greenberg, executive producer of Cowboys and Aliens. When UCLA Extension approached Von about creating courses about the business side of the entertainment industry, he gladly accepted. This opportunity allowed him to combine his personal expertise with an extensive network of industry contacts to create excellent courses that provide practical guidance and suggestions for establishing a successful career in the entertainment sector. ... [more]
OpenSesame is the world’s leading marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses - and we rely on our community of sellers to offer our customers the widest selection of elearning courses all in one place. This week we reached a major milestone: Our 200th seller, PTT, joined the elearning marketplace. And then we quickly reached 203 sellers! With more than 16,000 courses from more than 200 sellers, OpenSesame has the largest selection of online training courses in the world. ... [more]
In the modern workplace, time is a scarce commodity. While email has made communication faster and easier, without proper maintenance our email inboxes can become another source of workplace stress. Applying the proper tools to inbox organization will help you to use email as the powerful communication tool it is meant to be. ... [more]
Interested in testing the elearning waters? Want to try the unique OpenSesame buying process without actually having to buy anything? Have a couple of minutes to pick up a new skill? If your answer to any or all of these questions is, “Yes!” you’ll be pleased to know that OpenSesame has a number of FREE courses for you to use as you wish. Listed below are 10 of the top free courses available through the OpenSesame marketplace. We hope you’ll take a second to poke around, try out the OpenSesame purchasing process, and learn something. ... [more]
Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is an international bestseller - bringing a framework for personal change and effectiveness to readers’ personal and professional lives. The OpenSesame team is no different. At the OpenSesame office, we meet every Friday to discuss The 7 Habits - focusing on how we develop as individuals to make OpenSesame a successful company and a pleasant place to work. Our key metrics are certainly important to us. Around the perimeter of our office statistics flash on flat screen monitors affirming progress towards our goals, and alerting us to the areas requiring improvement. But we recognize that without having a similar anchor in personal values to guide us, all the metrics in the world won’t help OpenSesame achieve its full potential as a company. We need to reflect where our personal successes and failures lie in order to develop a deeper understanding of what we need to change in ourselves to be more successful professionals. ... [more]