3 Instagram No-No’s For Marketing

Instagram can be a great way to create a following for your company on social media. Instagram is a platform for aesthetically pleasing, jaw-dropping, and ever-intriguing images and captions. With that being said, there are many ways to hurt your Instagram opportunities by improperly using Instagram. Here are three Instagram tactics to steer clear of:
Companies with exciting events occurring in the office every day and skilled photographers are often keen to post pictures on Instagram more than once a day. However, the following you’ve acquired usually won’t want to have one profile clutter their Instagram feed. It’s important that you try to limit your posts to once or twice a day. Simply limiting your Instagram posts to once a day makes each individual post special.
“Like” Desperation
Oftentimes, Social Media managers will use hashtags to gain likes or purchase followers and likes. Although this can be effective, it can sometimes lead to spam and a false sense of social media success. It’s important to organically gain an Instagram following of both people and businesses that you want to follow you.
Overzealous Filtering
Instagram enables its users to greatly impact the aesthetics of their pictures through filters and effects. However, the tools that come with Instagram can often be overused and cause a picture to be less pleasing and more distasteful. Pictures on Instagram look better without an overuse of filters.
Instagram is a great way to boost your company’s awareness, however be careful to avoid the three Instagram no-no’s above. At OpenSesame, we do our best to keep our Instagram clean and pleasing to our viewers. Check us out @opensesamenow on Instagram!