OpenSesame is the world’s leading marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses - and we rely on our community of sellers to offer our customers the widest selection of elearning courses all in one place. This week we reached a major milestone: Our 200th seller, PTT, joined the elearning marketplace. And then we quickly reached 203 sellers! With more than 16,000 courses from more than 200 sellers, OpenSesame has the largest selection of online training courses in the world. ... [more]
If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, no doubt you want to know how your courses are selling. OpenSesame’s dashboard provides real-time sales data to help you understand what’s selling, when. ... [more]
Earlier this week, we discussed tips from Vado, Inc. co-founders Kim Egan and Cindy Pascale on eliminating ‘scrap learning’ in an organization. The HR veterans presented valuable insights about setting measurable goals, understanding employee expectations and making elearning desirable to employees. By making sure elearning is broken down into implementable chunks, the amount of time and money wasted on elearning programs (‘scrap learning’) can be significantly decreased. ... [more]
If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, your course pages are a key opportunity to make an impression on potential buyers. Here are the five essential steps to creating a great OpenSesame course page: Add an interesting selection of images. Customers’ eyes are captured by images - so upload several beautiful screenshots of your course to capture their interest. Allow customers to preview your courses, so that browsing buyers can sample your course and get a feel for the content. Be detailed but not long-winded. ... [more]
If you’re a seller in the OpenSesame elearning marketplace, your profile is more than just a quick stop on your way to to selling training courses - it’s your opportunity to help customers find your courses and to feel confident about them. Here’s five essential steps to creating a great OpenSesame seller profile: Add an image. Whether it’s reading a blog, skimming through news articles or scrolling through search results, peoples’ eyes are captured by interesting images. ... [more]
As an open marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses, OpenSesame supports a variety of different elearning course formats: SCORM (both 2004 and 1.2), AICC and video files. (For more information about our SCORM video player, check out the release notes.) We have rapidly become experts at fine-tuning SCORM publishing settings in a variety of course authoring tools to ensure courses work properly in any learning management system. ... [more]
The SCORM software standard is a reliable tool for creating elearning courses that will work across content platforms. But sometimes once you’ve created a catalog of courses, you want to make several courses into one, bundling together different chunks of content to create a new learning experience. Over the last few months, we have assisted many elearning developers in SCORM packaging to create multi-SCO elearning courses. ... [more]
It’s time to focus on fine-tuning the ways you present your course to make it easy for customers to find your courses. By popular demand, we have compiled our tips on marketing elearning courses in order to maximize sales opportunities. ... [more]
Here are our tips on what kinds of courses appeal to buyers and how you can make your courses stand out from the crowd. ... [more]
In these difficult times, it’s essential to find innovative ways to do more with less, to repurpose or recycle existing resources and to find creative solutions for workplace challenges. At OpenSesame we believe there’s an opportunity for collaborative consumption in the corporate training sector. ... [more]