If you have ever been on the hunt for a frequently used symbol and have let a few symbols slip "@#$^, where is it again?!” …then you’ll love this SNEAKY AutoCorrect workaround for getting the right symbol you’re looking for, every time! ... [more]

If you’re a designer, marketer, visual communications employee, or work any type of creative job Adobe Photoshop skills are a must. Sometimes these apparently specialized skills come in handy at the most unexpected times. That is, those of you out there working in leadership, support, sales, development, and maybe even accounting (I admit this one is a stretch, but you never know) may someday be called on to utilize the visual prowess of Photoshop. ... [more]

Learning something new is a perennial favourite on New Year’s resolution lists, and many people decide to learn a new language. And why not? It’s a useful skill, can lead to travel (another popular resolution), and is engaging in a way that few learning experiences are. However, languages don’t just have to be restricted to Spanish or French. You can get a lot of use and fun out of languages such as American Sign Language or programming languages. With the internet democratizing learning, there are countless ways to teach yourself a language. ... [more]

It’s a new year, a new start…“Yay!” you say. A new YOU! This is your year to look after YOU! This is the year to let go of all last year’s stresses and struggles. This year, you promise yourself, you’re going to sleep better and feel clearer and happier. ... [more]

Writing is an essential skill we use every day, but it is also one that is oftentimes overlooked and forgotten about. Strong writing abilities can help you get your point across in an email, make an application stand out from the rest, and maybe even help you to write the next best-selling novel. Many times, we don’t notice when someone is an eloquent writer and instead only notice when they aren’t. Although your school days may be behind you, writing is an essential skill, and it never hurts to touch up on a few tips and tricks. ... [more]

You thought you could find anything almost instantaneously with the internet? Think again! Not that finding information is outrageously difficult, but learning to search for information quickly and effectively takes skill. As we increasingly rely on search engines like Google to find information and tackle projects, learning the tricks of the trade can be invaluable. Here are the top five Google Search tips that can help you dramatically improve your searching and save valuable time:  1. ... [more]

In today’s job market, having a certain business skill can be the key to landing a promotion, getting your dream job, and even unlocking thousands of dollars worth of wage premiums. In fact, PayScale has released a list of the skills that lead to the biggest increase in paychecks. Below are five skills that can lead to big bucks and how you can learn them!    Java Wage Premium: 9% Average Increase in Paycheck: $4,200 Java is one of the most popular programming languages which makes designing apps, games, and tools simple. ... [more]

There is something every web-based business, blog, and website is learning to live by: Google Analytics. If you don’t already know why you need web analytics, what Google Adwords offers, or have access to the information Google Analytics offers, you are already behind. Not having access to these tools is a little bit like shooting in the dark— every once in a while getting a flash of insight to whether or not you were hitting the target. ... [more]

Chances are you’ve included learning a new skill or hobby on your list of New Year’s goals and resolutions. Whether these goals are to further your career or just for fun, now’s the time to get started—but where to begin? ... [more]

Interest in American Sign Language is growing thanks to viral videos like this one of ASL interpreter Tina Cleveland and her fiance roadtrip jamming to “You’re The One That I Want” from Grease and this one of kindergartener Claire Koch signing her Christmas concert for her deaf parents. As ASL interpretation becomes more and more common at events, including political rallies and speeches, concerts (check out these ASL interpreters’ mad skills!), and conventions/conferences, more and more people are becoming aware of the need for interpreters. However, not everyone is familiar with what interpreters do, how to learn ASL, or the history behind the language and profession. ... [more]
