Over the past year, OpenSesame has developed a number of ebooks that tackle the common barriers of implementing an elearning initiative, as well as provide step-by-step guidance on how to launch such a program. In anticipation of 2015 planning, we combined these ebooks into a single resource—the eLearning Success Toolkit. The toolkit guides you through building an elearning program from start to finish, significantly reducing the planning time required. ... [more]

The time is ripe for not only students, but also companies to take advantage of the MOOC model and transform corporate training from a limited, one time experience to a sustainable, distributed, and efficient system of learning. Fortunately, elearning makes it easy to make the leap to accessible and continuous learning. ... [more]

Over the last several months, I have shared my findings through a six-part blog series on how to market your elearning programs internally. Whether you’re six months out from launching your program or six months into its release, these tips and tricks can be helpful in increasing engagement and communicating the value of your program. Of course, the trouble with a blog series is many more examples and exercises have come to my attention that should be included. So, instead of making you wait each month for the latest post in the series, we’ve decided to compile all this helpful information into one place. ... [more]

Summertime marks many the start of many wonderful things—graduation, vacation, relaxation...and blockbuster movie season! Between May and August, more than 500 million people will flock to their local movie theater to see the latest in action, comedy and drama—each experience different and yet, they all will begin with the same message: More intense and elaborate than commercials, movie trailers are a thing of beauty. They convey the most important parts of the movie’s storyline, yet still leave you wanting more. In just a few short minutes, a viewer can feel fear, elation or heartbreak. ... [more]

When it comes to corporate elearning, we all hope “if we build it, they will come.” And while initial excitement may result in high usage, building long-term interest in your elearning initiative requires regular communication regarding the program’s benefits and content. The next several posts of the “Marketing Your eLearning Initiative” series will focus on specific tactics you can use in your company to continue to advertise your program after it has launched—beginning with email. ... [more]


So far in 2014, 46% of OpenSesame’s traffic has come from outside the US. What does this mean for us as a company? Both content providers and learning management companies are becoming increasingly global, and so are we! Currently, elearning is a $56.2 billion industry, on track to double by 2015. Forecasts predict the elearning industry to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (ACGR) of 25.81% over the period of 2013-2018. ... [more]


Increasing engagement in your elearning program takes more than an email every now and then. Just as a consumer must have 5-7 touch points with a brand to consider purchasing, your employees need frequent reminders on the value of online training. Earlier this month, I shared how establishing a set of objectives for your elearning program will help employees understand the benefits and impact of training on their jobs. In this second post from our ongoing series on how to market your elearning initiative, I will discuss the importance of champions, as well as ways to involve them in your internal marketing. ... [more]

Holding Stanley Cup

Starting something new is always a bit scary. This particularly true when instituting a new program in the workplace. Employees are often suspicious of the motives behind a change, and are apprehensive about what it means for their workload and job roles. Therefore, launching an elearning program at your company without first addressing these concerns can result in low usage and a lack of interest in the program. ... [more]

Technology in education can trace its roots as far back as radio, when students in remote areas without a dedicated school house used to tune in to receive lessons. Since then, records, video cassettes, DVDs and now, the cloud, have been used to deliver education and training. This long history of technology in the classroom has led to a number of adaptations in education, the most recent embodiment being the blended learning movement. ... [more]

“I think your elearning courses succeed because they have personality.” This comment was part of a conversation I was having with an L&D peer at a conference recently. I was really happy to hear it. When we were putting our elearning courses together, we thought a lot about how we were going to engage learners in the conversation. We wanted our instructors to seem spontaneous and genuine. After all, we're a presentation and facilitation skills training company. If we were going to do this right, we needed to be able to model the behaviors we were teaching. ... [more]

eLearning Personality
