How to Equip Sales Reps With the Necessary Business Skills to Land C-Level Buyers

Unfortunately, all too often sales representatives rarely achieve those desired C-level sales. A recent Forbes article explains, “eight out of 10 executive buyers consider the sales meetings they take to be a waste of time” and believe that representatives do not demonstrate an adequate knowledge of their buyers business. Perhaps this is not purely the inherent shortcoming of the sales representative, but an indication of a more insidious issue of sales reps not being adequately trained with the business skills to successfully seize these c-level sale opportunities.
The Solution? eLearning.
How does an organization solve this issue? Invest in eLearning technology to enable sales representatives with outstanding business skills.
With eLearning courses, employees are empowered with the necessary skills to perform successful sales endeavors. In fact, eLearning has resulted in companies experiencing an 18% increase employee engagement. An engaged workforce makes for a more productive and overall happier staff, which makes employees more interested in the growth and success of the company. With nearly 25% of people reporting they left their job due to lack of training, online learning can boost job satisfaction and engagement which in return improves the overall health of your organization.
Also, when implementing eLearning courses, the sales representatives are able to complete the courses at their own pace, which is a less time-consuming option than in-person group training. Organizations that invest in eLearning are able to cut training costs by 50% and cut training time by 60%.
Getting Started
Online learning companies can help fill skill gaps in sales training. OpenSesame provides over 6,000 business skills courses that go over all the details, steps, and processes included in landing a c-level sale. From courses on phone skills and techniques on how to organize the perfect presentation, to implementing successful research and analysis. Or, check our sales course recommendations on the OpenSesame blog, so your employees can gain the skills they’ll need to land those deals that ensure your company’s future growth.
A Bluevolt study of cross-industry distributors reports that 81% of respondents said they witnessed a substantial increase in sales with online training. The time to invest in elearning is now.