Psychology Hacks to Boost Workplace Productivity

As a manager, keeping your employees motivated is a constant struggle. Whether they’re bored, distracted, or lazy, it’s part of your job to keep morale and productivity high. With these simple psychological hacks, you can make small tweaks to your workplace to boost productivity.
Color Psychology
Have you heard of restaurants painting their walls red to make you hungrier? Or have you noticed the muted blues, greens, and purples spas use to calm you? They’re using color psychology to influence your behavior and emotions. Color psychology looks at how different colors and tones affect your behavior. Research has found that differing shades can affect anything from your appetite to your performance.
How can your workplace use this?
Based on what you want to promote in your workplace, decorate the office with the appropriate color. You can paint the walls, use colorful chairs and couches, or hang artwork. Red is associated with increased energy and excitement and thus makes it a strong choice to use in your work space to promote productivity and creativity. Blues and greens are found to reduce anxiety and stress while increasing feelings of relaxation, making blue a good color choice for the break room. It’s best to avoid grey and beige, as they are associated with decreased energy and creativity.
Hawthorne Effect
In a nutshell, the Hawthorne effect says that workers will be more productive when they know others are paying attention to them. Studies found that when management showed concern for their employees and made them feel valued, the workers’ productivity increased. They began by looking at the effects of different lighting in the workplace. Interestingly, the workers without any lighting changes were the least productive, while those who received any change in lighting (better or worse) had increases in productivity. The fact that someone showed concern for the workers and their working environment caused the increase in productivity, not the actual workplace environment.
How can your workplace use this?
The key to utilizing this knowledge is to listen to your employees. If they complain about a negative workplace, dirty bathrooms, a broken door, do your best to fix the problem. Small changes can make a world of difference if your employees know you care about them. Listen to feedback from your employees and try to meet their needs. Conversely, provide your employees with regular feedback on their work. Knowing that their work is receiving attention can prompt them to work even harder.
Looking for more ways to promote productivity? Check out “Maximizing Productivity Through Music” [LINK TO BLOG POST ONCE UPLOADED ON SITE] and “How Managers Can Create a Productive Office Space: A Photo Essay” [LINK TO BLOG POST ONCE UPLOADED!]. By making any of these easy changes in your workplace, you can boost the productivity of your workers and help your company thrive.