What I Learned from Creating my eLearning Course

The elearning market is huge and is expanding each year. According to Business Wire, by 2020 the corporate elearning market is expected to be valued over $31 billion. What does this mean for elearning content providers? If it isn’t already obvious, content providers will see a surge in demand for their original elearning courses.
It is more important than ever for content creators to build engaging courses for the rapidly growing elearning market. However, creating effective courses is more difficult than it appears. Before beginning to build an elearning course, it is important for both rookie and experienced content creators to consider all the variables that go into content creation. Here are my 4 takeaways from building my own elearning course.
1. Choosing the right platform
Finding the right platform for your elearning course is crucial to the course’s success. But how do you know which platform is right for you? Questions to consider include:
Do you like the style of the application?
How easy is it to use?
What features does it include (i.e. video, quizzes, simulations)?
Does it export to the e-learning software specification you need (e.i. SCORM and AICC)?
Three of the most popular content creation tools are Adobe Captivate 9, Articulate Storyline 2, and Dictera. All three applications have a unique interface, which cater to different creators needs. Make sure you choose the tool that is right for you and your course’s goals.
2. Identifying course details
It’s also important to realize how long the process is to create a high-quality elearning course. Even the simplest courses can take more time than expected to make. Before you begin creating your course, it is important to clearly identify:
Your target audience
Course objectives
Course features
There are also other considerations that are not so obvious that you should keep in mind, such as your audience’s attention span. It’s important to remember that creating an effective and engaging elearning course consists of trials and errors. Make a realistic timeline for completing your course and try to commit at least one hour a day to building your elearning course. Keep in mind that high-quality courses are usually not made overnight.
3. Establishing key information
Ensuring that users retain a course’s key information is an author’s top priority. As a course author, at first you may plan to include extra information that is unnecessary. Save yourself many headaches by outlining your course before you begin building it. Your outline will help you ensure your course’s organization is logical and that you include only vital information. A well structured outline will help you create your course with ease and ensure your course goals are met.
4. Finding the best method to deliver your content
Videos, stimulations, voice narration; the possibilities for content delivery seem to be endless. Anyone can create an elearning course that is essentially a PowerPoint. However, to make your course stand out from the rest, determine the most effective delivery form by evaluating your audience and your content. For example, if your course contains detailed processes, videos and simulations should be used to make sure your learners fully understand the complex procedures.
So what are you waiting for? With these tips in mind, start building your elearning course today!