Top Trends in Digital Disruption

In a recent OpenSesame webinar, VP and Principal Analyst at Constellation Research, Holger Mueller, revealed how learning technologies have evolved in the times of digital transformation and technical disruption. He shared the best practices and top tips to become a “digital disrupter” amongst evolving technologies.
Don’t be left behind
Where will your company be in 2020? Mueller challenges you to ponder how technology is changing and how these changes will affect your organization’s future. This includes macro trends, changes in the dynamic workforce, disruptive technology adoption, and creation of new digital business models.
Enterprises that fail to keep up with digital trends are ultimately unsuccessful; more than half of the Fortune 500 firms since 2000 have either gone out of business or lost this title. Businesses must quickly adapt to these changes to succeed. Mueller describes this as, “enterprise acceleration”, the ability of enterprises to adopt and leverage new technologies that create an opportunity to “disrupt” the industry.
Digital disruption
Digital disruption occurs with “the creation, implementation, and operation of new best practices and business models enabled by new technologies.” Important indicators of growing technology include falling prices of storage, low cost of compute, voice and artificial intelligence, and hyperscale.
Seven Universal Applications that enterprises are using to “disrupt” their respective markets include:
Taming the internet: Companies are now finding lucrative business opportunities on the internet.
Revolutionize intra enterprise functions: In the 21st century, people have altered the way they work inside the company, now companies are more generalistic and have more collaborative spirit.
Data as a service: Companies have found success in monetizing data and acquiring more data to make better decisions.
Orchestrate things: Enterprises should familiarize themselves with the “Internet of things” and utilize multiple devices.
Digitize value chains: In recent times, organizations found success when altering their value change around sale chains or supply cycle
Re-invent communication: We are transforming how we interact with our computers and have revolutionized voice commands.
Innovate human machine interface: Companies are improving revolutionizing the way user interface works.
These factors change how an enterprise functions. Each of these require a strategy for learning, because an organization’s learning speed must be faster than the rate of change.
Future of learning
As a result of these advances in technology, learning preferences have evolved. Digital platforms have enabled learning programs to incorporate more on-demand and personalized methods.
Recent developments in the cloud have also made it possible to share content intended for mass consumption. Advances in artificial intelligence has helped to store data and digital exhaust. Intelligence is permeating LCD, a learning program’s software can be altered to match individuals’ learning habits. Social aspects have allowed people to recommend and share courses. With new developments in Intrinsic learning, digital exhaust and behavior can be mapped to curate a digital learning strategy for an individual. A marketplace is required for individuals to access digital learning, this eliminates the need for classrooms. These more fluid learning programs will enable employees to acquire skills, which in return will empower the business.
“Digital Darwinism is unkind to those who wait”, Mueller states. Leaning pays for itself, if a company has the means to invest, it should. Ensure learning systems are up to date. Do not let technical debt restrain, filter out learning systems that are no longer need.
Learning managers must examine what will help employees maximize customers’ satisfactions when choosing a learning program. There are plenty of vendors ready to provide solutions for an enterprise.
To learn more about leveraging emerging technologies and revolutionizing learning programs, watch the webinar recording here.