Summer Learning Playlist 2016

The 2016 summer learning playlist is finally here! Summer is a great time to start those projects and plans that you’ve been meaning to start but have put off all year. It is also a perfect time to try and/or learn something new and different. Today I want to offer you a playlist of elearning courses that could help you feel productive this summer and give you some fresh new knowledge. Each course was handpicked based on quality, easiness to understand, and usefulness. I hope you can enjoy this playlist as much I have and gain the same satisfaction from learning something new!
1. “Managing Work/Life Balance” - The Success Group
What better time to take a look at your own work/life balance than in the summer. This is a time for adventure, being outside, and connecting with friends and family. Despite this, most people are also still required to work at their full time job. This course can help you manage the balance between work and fun.
2. “Business Dining Etiquette” - Advancing With Style
Whether it be an important business dinner with clients or a casual dinner outing with your family, it is always great to have proper dining etiquette. This course will give you a very thorough explanation of different dining practices and how to represent yourself at the dinner table.
3. “Finance For Non Finance Managers” - ILX Group
On the surface, this course may sound like the exact opposite of how you want to use any of your time this summer. I don’t blame you. However, understanding finance as someone not directly in a finance position can incredibly beneficial. Having at least some knowledge in finance can help you better understand business and also take care of your own personal finances!
4. “Excel 2016 series” - Atomic Training
As with track #3, this course may seem daunting when you first read the title. Microsoft Excel is one of the most useful and widely accepted platforms for business however. With a vast collection of diverse functions and features, it would be worth your time to take a course or two to better understand Excel.
5. “Conflict Resolution” - The Inside Coach
Conflict, in some form, is something we are faced with almost every day of our lives. With such great prevalence, it could be quite beneficial to freshen up on effective ways of managing conflict. Spoiler: avoiding conflict at all costs is not an effective conflict resolution strategy!
6. “The Art of Negotiation” - EnSpark
Negotiation might seem like something only necessary for a salesperson to master, but we actually deal with negotiation a lot in our daily lives. In fact, this course directly relates to the “conflict resolution” course as negotiation is one of the key phases of conflict resolution. Understanding the art of negotiation can help you with both your professional and personal relationships.
7. “Empowering Ourselves to Succeed” - Franklin Covey
This course by Franklin Covey seemed like a fitting end to the summer playlist. In order to succeed and achieve more, we must first empower ourselves. This course gives a real life example of how ordinary people can make a few specific changes in order to be more successful.
Take advantage of some of your extra time this Summer and learn something new! It’s an amazing feeling to know that you were productive during the summer months and have something to take with you once the Fall comes around. Happy learning!