Stay Safe and Healthy with National Food Safety Education Month

Food safety problems can occur anywhere on the supply chain, ranging from farming to distribution to cooking food at a restaurant. Because of this, proper food safety procedures and measures must be taken at all stages of food handling. With September being National Food Safety Education Month, we want to help you ensure your business is following safe and healthy food handling procedures. More than 200 different diseases can spread through contaminated food, but proper handling can help prevent these.
Sanitation is not your only concern in the food service industry - kitchen safety is just as important. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 67,000 food service workers hurt themselves badly enough while working to miss a day of work, with nearly 20% of those missing over a month. These injuries often occur while cutting, cooking, and carrying and can range from burns to broken bones. However, by following the correct workplace and food safety guidelines, you can prevent these injuries and help your business run smoothly.
OpenSesame has hundreds of courses catered to those in the food service industry. Take a look at our course offerings in Alcohol & Food Safety or Food Service or read below for more info on a few courses to help your business stay safe and certified.
by DiscoverLink
This course details the importance of proper food handling, highlighting topics such as cross-contamination and storing food. Learn why and how to manage your kitchen and food practices in this overview.
Job Skills for Restaurant Employees
By Hospitality Staff
Training Moving beyond just the kitchen, this course covers a variety of topics on customer service, food safety, and skills for food service. Understand regulations and how to follow them to keep your customers happy and healthy with this 90 minute course
Food Safety Management Principles
By Learn2Serve
In addition to teaching you about rules and regulations, this course also helps you understand the safety and cost savings benefits of handling food correctly. This comprehensive course also examines permits and inspections, cleaning, hygiene, and other topics to help you better understand food safety management.
This month, make it a goal to refresh or further your knowledge of food safety guidelines. Keep employees and customers safe and healthy by taking a food safety course today!