Release Notes: New SCORM Video Player Connects Learners to Millions of Videos

The OpenSesame crew is proud to announce the newest feature in our elearning marketplace: a SCORM video player, which unlocks millions of hours of high-quality video content for use in enterprise learning management systems.


We understand that organizations need to track learners' participation and performance to meet compliance requirements and understand their employees' skills. We're making it possible to use one more kind of training content in learning management systems to meet development goals.

If you're a  seller, you can add your video to our open marketplace for buying and selling elearning courses. If you're a buyer, you can purchase and add video content to your LMS and connect it to the necessary learners. You'll know who has taken the video course, and if they haven't completed it, you'll know how long they watched it.

It's our mission to unlock elearning for the buyers and sellers of elearning content, and our new video player adds one more tool to the learning and development toolkit for creating elearning experiences that are diverse, effective and interesting.


What's SCORM?

The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is the e-learning industry’s set of software standards. Advance Distributed Learning (ADL), a government body, created this system of industry standards for e-learning software to ensure that content created by different authors can be viewed and tracked in a variety of LMSs.

Applications for the Buyers & Sellers of eLearning Content

The new video player enables a variety of new learning scenarios:

  • Owners of existing video content can easily sell their videos in the OpenSesame marketplace for use in learning management systems.
  • Training managers can deploy existing videos into their LMS to track their employees' professional skills development.
  • Subject matter experts with minimal software design experience can create elearning videos to share their expertise.
  • When there's no time to create a detailed elearning course, developers can share information about industry developments or new regulatory requirements by creating a quick video for trackable use in their organization's LMS.

We're proud to develop features that give the elearning community more tools to meet their learning and development goals.