The Psychology of eLearning: What Makes eLearning Memorable?

The first post in our psychology series discussed the psychology of storytelling. Storytelling is an extremely useful tool for learning and memory and is one of the many different techniques used in elearning. Stories, pictures, experiences; these are the things we remember. You can sit in a formal training environment all day long, and chances are you will still only retain a fraction of the information presented to you. It isn’t because you aren’t paying attention; traditional training often simply fails to be memorable. In the end it comes down to the psychology of learning or, in this case, the psychology of elearning. Every day employers are struggling to figure out how to improve knowledge retention, which requires getting information into long-term memory and keeping it there.
Remembering requires interest, motivation, and repetition. You have to see it, hear it, touch it, enjoy it. In the end, storing something in memory takes work and effort, so you have to make your information worthy of remembering. eLearning is revolutionary, giving you the opportunity to design more effective training.
Don't miss the final post in the series: The Psychology of Storytelling: What Can eLearning Creators Learn from Star Wars?